Updated first posted with exact quote Dom Littlewood said that for Type 1 Diabetics sugars is the devil's food

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just an update I've listened to it again and this is exactly what Dom Littlewood said
Yes Type 1 diabetic. [named two fruit crumbles) is the Devil’s food for me. I can’t eat it because it’s full of sugar but sausage crumble is fine.

I was just watching for a few minutes this morning the show that is on after BBC Breakfast. They were discussing fruit crumbles and Dom Littlewood said that as he is a Type 1diabetic sugar is the "devil's food" and (I can't remember the exact wording) that Type 1 diabetics mustn't have sugar at all, but he would like to eat a sausage crumble.
Yes we have to be careful about eating sweet thinks BUT how bad is this message so that people will think that any Type 1 diabetic eating anything sweet is being a "bad" diabetic because of what Dom said.
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Totally agree, very very uneducated remark.
And it's comments like that that can lead to newbies developing eating disorders because they see it as "bad"/"wrong" xx
Sigh. I lost count of how many times people would not allow my daughter to share in tasty treats when she was younger because they thought she’d drop dead or something if she so much as consumed a single biscuit, and wouldn’t listen when we tried to explain that actually she can eat them as long as she takes the correct amount of insulin with it. This sort of stuff does NOT help!! Yes it used to be truer many years ago when my mum was diagnosed, but things have come a long way since then!
It’s potentially dangerous too. Many years ago in my local town, a friend of a friend had a big hypo in the shops. A member of staff thought she’d fainted so got her a glass of water. Another customer recognised the diabetic lady and rushed over, telling the staff member she needed something sweet because she had diabetes and was on insulin. There then followed a rather heated discussion about how “diabetics aren’t allowed sugar” blah blah. Meanwhile the poor lady lost consciousness and paramedics were called. Totally unnecessary and distressing for her. During the heated discussion, one person even said the lady probably needed her insulin. Terrifying.
I wonder if it might be in order for somebody from DUK to review the programme and check whether what was said was wise?

If it is considered that it was not, then maybe the BBC/production company could be contacted and put right. I suspect that as a T1 the presenter would be better informed but it is what goes into the edit that counts, and that is down to the producers.
I wonder if it might be in order for somebody from DUK to review the programme and check whether what was said was wise?

If it is considered that it was not, then maybe the BBC/production company could be contacted and put right. I suspect that as a T1 the presenter would be better informed but it is what goes into the edit that counts, and that is down to the producers.
Good point. I completely agree with you and it's currently available on Iplayer approx 9.15am BBC 1 November 9th. It was a live show. @Josh DUK

I think before Dom spoke one of the presenters said something along the lines of [sausage casserole] that will be a good one for you Dom, and then Dom proceeded to say what I said above.
Blame PHE for promoting the 'sugar/salt/fat' mantra instead of 'carbs/salt/fat' mantra (which is also wrong as well). Few people know that Sugar is just another Carb and the focus needs to be on the Carbs. Crumble is high in carbs regardless of what goes with it.
Telling people that a Type 1 needs to beware of carbs is hardly going to help either. Nor is it PHE’s fault. There are lots of myths about Type 1 - one being that you get it from eating sugar, another being that if you have it you should avoid sugar. That last one is wrong - and a major reason why many Type 1s worry about having a hypo in public and being ‘helped’ as I described above.

BTW, my apple crumble is around 30g carbs per portion, and I’d hardly call that ‘high’.
Silly Dom, seen him scoffing sweet things on some of programmes he's done over the years, maybe trying to be outspoken like some of those TV chefs who denounce sugar but serve huge sugary desserts in restaurants they own.

Dont know who PHE is, remember someone once mentioned a eat well plate on here, never heard of that either so had to google name, come from large family & would be surprised if any have followed dietary advice, from any govn body or otherwise, people just do their own thing, popuarlty of fast food outlets prove this.
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The crumbles R makes are around 40g carbs per portion and I can't eat them without having a hypo afterwards. I keep reducing my insulin ratio for them, and it makes no difference!

I agree with @Docb - it would be good if DUK could contact the BBC about this programme, it's dangerous misinformation.
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