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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So assessment done and dusted. Thanks everyone for answering all my silly questions and educating me that little bit more. I think I appeared to impress the 2 nurses with my knowledge!

Anyway, the assessment was a series of questions and an informal chat, just as most of you had predicted...BUT...ended up walking out with a CGM! Wasn't expecting that!
I took my results in from the past few months, food diaries and they felt a CGM may paint a better picture.

I am to see the dietician as part of the process and if all goes well, maybe pumping in March (the hospital is new to pumps as in they have only done 5!), they won't do any during december, they got a cohort for Jan, wont do any in Feb as 1/2term(?) and then maybe me!!!!! Exciting stuff...

Thanks Sue, I didn't need to buy the book in the end as a new friend of mine has been pumping for 18mth now and has offered me the book on loan. I am seeing her at w'end so should have it by then!!! (or do you think it is better that I buy my own copy to treasure forever?)
So assessment done and dusted. Thanks everyone for answering all my silly questions and educating me that little bit more. I think I appeared to impress the 2 nurses with my knowledge!

Anyway, the assessment was a series of questions and an informal chat, just as most of you had predicted...BUT...ended up walking out with a CGM! Wasn't expecting that!
I took my results in from the past few months, food diaries and they felt a CGM may paint a better picture.

I am to see the dietician as part of the process and if all goes well, maybe pumping in March (the hospital is new to pumps as in they have only done 5!), they won't do any during december, they got a cohort for Jan, wont do any in Feb as 1/2term(?) and then maybe me!!!!! Exciting stuff...

Thanks Sue, I didn't need to buy the book in the end as a new friend of mine has been pumping for 18mth now and has offered me the book on loan. I am seeing her at w'end so should have it by then!!! (or do you think it is better that I buy my own copy to treasure forever?)

Hi Suze,
Sounds as if you had a good apt, well done.
Yes to buying your own copy, you can delve into it when ever you want then.
Great Suze!

Half term is likely a staffing issue at the hosp - takes a couple of hours to talk through and set up a pump - so if any of them have kids or have to have grandkids etc, their time will be thinner then - probably.

So - you back there next week, or what?
Back next week for a regular review with the head honcho. Then at the pump clinic for dietitian run through and to take my food diaries on the 12th. Hopefully by then, the decision will have been made and I will know if I'm to have one which would be in March 2012...Hope after this lengthy experience and journey that the world doesn't end in 2012...that would be JUST my luck!!!!!
Sorry if I have missed something - why on earth do you have to wait until March 2012?!

heya, I presume it is because they are newly trained and not running large groups of new pumpers* as well as xmas hols. I guess its a matter of resources and being as there is supposed to be a specific team of consultant, dsn & dietitician. They have trained so far 2 DSN's, 1 consultant and a half post of a dietitican which is split between 2 hospitals.

*they started the first 'group' with 1 man(?), the next group with 2 and they are just starting their 3rd group of pumpers. It may happen slightly sooner but I think they were giving me a worst case scenario..thats if the consultants board agree i am worthy!
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