Update on JP

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
JP had a check up today at the hospital with Dr Bone!

His HbA1c is at 8.7 so although we have a way to go it has come down as 3 months ago it was at 9.2 .

He has had a great week; he's agreed to use 'big boy pants' though this kid strikes a hard bargain, I was all for rewarding him with stickers but no he happens to have sussed out that I have a secret stash of wooden thomas tank engine trains so toilet training has used that up nicely!

Also he has moved from room 1 at nursery into room 2 - he'll be in that room til next sept when he leaves and goes to school nursery.

He also made me swallow a lump in my throat when i asked him to go in the lounge (to get him from under my feet when i was cooking tea) and he said in a sad kind of voice 'but mummy i don't want to watch my brother eat a lolly so I'll just wait here instead'. Bless I stopped, scooped him up and praised him for clear articulation of the situation and we made up a story as i finished cooking.

So I thought I'd give you a quick update on the boy I adore,

bless him Rachel ..and well done on the reduction ..slowly but surely is great xxx
well done with big boy stuff ...my kids sussed out that sticker reward stuff aswell ... Bribery and corruption doesnt work with these kids they are just TOOOOO WISE ! hehe:D
What a wonderful boy he is growing up to be 🙂 And a nice improvement in his HbA1c! Is the doctor really Dr Bone? 😱 It's a sad little story about the lolly, but shows how he is taking it all in.
Well done to the little superstar x
Oh Rachel and Ruth - you've made me feel SO ashamed of myself, diagnosed at 61 and feeling so sorry for myself - and you and your little ones are so much more in need of hugs than I am !

So virtual hugs to them - and you - and all other parents/carers who have such brave little lads and ladies dealing with diabetes already in such a short time in their lives.

I am SO in awe of how you all cope and will now crawl away and tell myself off for being such a wimp ! 😱
Thank you, I can't speak for Rachel but when Carly was dx, of course we were upset but all I want to do is get her well again so I got into it quickly and Carly is really good at having her blood level checks and having insulins, now it's part of our routine. I guess young children are easier to accept than older children or grown ups as they have not really experienced the life without diabetes. To keep Carly well is to get on with it and be positive, also stay happy 🙂
supporting each other

Vince13: I hope you get some hugs too, you need them too ((hug))

I was about to say the same thing as Ruth has said - Vince13 you too need to receive love and support. Thanks for the hugs for the children but you know what, children are good at understanding that hugs are two way and benefit both people so JP would want you to feel uplifted too.

And please don't feel ashamed - or tell yourself off - I think we each to give ourselves permisison to feel how we feel and be honest with ourselves.

So Vince13 would you like to virtually walk with us for a little while - just imagine we're all on a long walk and when the overwhelming emotions swamp you reach down and find the hand of a child who knows what you are feeling. And by accepting this invitation you'll be helping me as a mother to know your mutual support is something I can't totally be part of because its not me that is diabetic but knowing JP has hands to hold with others who are, gives me hope and comfort.

thanks for your encouraging words,
love rachel and JP x
Hello Rachel and JP, what a lovely idea ! Thank you for your unselfish words and I would be honoured to hold JP's hand when we both need an extra bit of love and help.

My five & a half year old grand-daughter loves to read my BS levels to me off my meter when she's staying overnight and asks "does it hurt" when I take my drop of blood and I explain it's a bit like a sting more than a hurt which she accepts.

Much love to you both and bless you for your kind suggestion.
Dr Bone is one of the best named doctors! Well, except for a gp in my old pct who was Dr Thing and one in my local area called Dr Tickle.
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