Update on humalog to novorapid

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
So after almost a week it looks like the novorapid is slower for me afterall, so looks like it is a case of letting whatever it is that ive become sensitive to in the humalog clear out. Just might have to put an extra half unit to a unit on my ratios as it looks like its not lasting long enough. I seem to flatten out after 3-4 hours.

Interestingly found a new friend in my village who been type1 since her early 20's . We had a meetup yesyerday afyernoon and while she was with me she slowly went into a hypo and i wouldnt have known if she hadnt have said. Such calmness. Would love to handle them like that myself. However, she went slowly into it , i only ever plummet fast into them , in the hour after injecting and consequently take ages to come out. Hopefully this novorapid will stop that as its not kicking off so fast after injecting.
Thanks for the update @gillrogers

Hope the inevitable slight jiggling and tweaking of things when swapping insulins works well and you get into your stride with the NR very soon.
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