Update (Little rant)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As mentioned on previous threads, I had been accepted for funding for a pump. I am now a little more then annoyed as the hospital have desided to postpone (With no indication of how long for) me going live with it.
A timeline:
4th July. Consultant agreed that I met NICE guidelines and that a pump seemed the best option for me. Nurse put in an aplication for funding for a pump for me.
17th August. Had nurse apointment about CGM results. She confirmed that the funding had been granted. Confirmed pump had been ordered that day.
12th October. Consultant appointment. She said that i seemed to be struggling with my bloods. Saw nurse also who arranged apointment for 31st Oct to go live on Pump. :D
Later that day I had a call to say that Consultant didn't want me going live until I proved that I was carb counting correctly.

Had call yesterday to say that I deffinetly wouldn't be going live on Monday. *Cries*
Now I understand that Carb counting is a huge part of the pump for getting it correct and in tune ect. What I fail to see is why it was left until teh week before I go live to 'test' my carb counting skills, when It has been 4 months since they agreed a pump would be best for me. 4 months in which to 'test' me.
That's disgusting :( I can't imagine your carb counting needs that much work, so it does sound rather suspicious to me. Surely when you get the pump everything changes anyway as you have to establish your basals and ratios again? Have you had a full explanation of where they think you are going wrong and have they offered any further sessions to help you?
Sorry to hear this. It does seem ridiculous to leave things to so late in the day.

Could you contact Input (I think thats the name) and see if they can give you any advice.

I can understand you being angry and disappointed as you had got yourself all motivated for it. Hope you get some answers to your questions and help to speed things up.
Not the best way for things to pan out, but hopefully it will be a small bump in the road, and you will be pumping soon...........🙂
Oh that's so unfair to do that.

Yes you do need to be a carb-counting and correcting (hypos and high BGs) wizard if a pump is going to do anything for you. My lot don't even consider you for pumping in the first place unless you have done the course and the DSN can confirm over a period that you do entirely understand, and always try your best to make it work with MDI.

Yes stuff does change Northerner but let's give an example affecting 'young' women here. Many find they need a different amount of insulin during their monthly cycle, may even be as regular as clockwork so they know they have to start X days from the start of the last period. So after a few months of intensive testing testing testing, should be able to recognise when their 'monthlies mode' starts and finishes and just adjust their doses for however long, each month. It's best to know all that before you start on a pump. Ditto pre exercise; on 'circuit training days I need ....' or when we have a hot/cold spell, or whatever.

I think it's fair enough to expect you to demonstrate that you've got that knowledge ingrained before they let you loose on the electronics. The actual numbers you have to change from/to aren't an issue. They are one of the things that will most likely be quite different on a pump as you say.

But they should have already done all that in the months/years following carb-counting training, with all of us!

I have been carb counting for 3 years now. I have always adjusted my insulin to suit.
The dietition didn't believe that my correction ratio was 1U:3.5mmol. She checked something and looked shocked and said 'oh, you are correct'

I am as strict as possible with testing and adjusting. The pump was so that i can be as correct as possible due to the fact as 0.5 units makes all the difference.
I.e 2 biscuits can send me from 6.5 up to 13.9. Yet I would only need 0.5 unit to keep me below 8 (my personal target)
Well that sounds potty then in your case I agree.

Will be very interesting indeed to see what DSN has to say, when you go.
That is absolutely disgusting way to treat a patient and a rather lame excuse to use..

Yes it's very helpful if you can count your carbs, and know your insulin/carb ratio's and adjusting your insulin to suit your routines etc... But it isn't essentrial to have this, it just means that getting started with your pump is going to be a lot harder, and getting the full benefit out of it going to take a lot longer..

I would get hold of John or Lesley at input www.input.me.uk as they can give you some useful advice concerning all this.

As you need to start asking your consultant questions concerning why you haven't got a pump..

As you sound very much like me, where problems in control is based around sensivity to insulin... my correction is 1unit drops my BG by 7mmol/l😱
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