Update from me

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I went live on the pump on Monday *Yay*
Sorted out with Nurse all my Basel and Bolus rates. Came away quite happy. Stayed between 4 & 6.
Then started sneezing and spluttering with a cold on Monday night.
So since Monday evening, My bloods have been firmly between 8 and 16. :(
Its quite hard to get used to the pump when your ill aswell.

But I shall update more once i am better and more used to it. 🙂
I went live on the pump on Monday *Yay*
Sorted out with Nurse all my Basel and Bolus rates. Came away quite happy. Stayed between 4 & 6.
Then started sneezing and spluttering with a cold on Monday night.
So since Monday evening, My bloods have been firmly between 8 and 16. :(
Its quite hard to get used to the pump when your ill aswell.

But I shall update more once i am better and more used to it. 🙂

Welcome to the world of pumping. 🙂
On your pump is a temp rate which allows you to increase basals when unwell with high numbers to boot. If you not to sure about using it ring your dsn.

As to your dsn sorting your basal and bolus rates, I suspect you will be for a rude awakening fairly soon 😉
Pumping does take a little while to sus as it's a complete new learning curve, but you will get there and hopefully be a happy pumper.
Hope you feel better soon.
Good news Akasha.:D

But bad news about the cold. Typical. Maybe you're allergic to pumps 😱

Hope the cold clears up soon and you can work out your normal basals. Keep popping in for advice. Must be scary.🙂

I was using the temp basal, But nurse advised me to up my normal basal rate by 0.1 for now and see how that works.

I don't want to mess with too many things in one go incase something goes wrong (Bad hypo ect) and I'm not sure which one caused it. lol
Hurrah, congratulations on getting your pump! 🙂 Hope you are feeling better soon so that you can get to grips with it properly 🙂
I went live on the pump on Monday *Yay*
Sorted out with Nurse all my Basel and Bolus rates. Came away quite happy. Stayed between 4 & 6.
Then started sneezing and spluttering with a cold on Monday night.
So since Monday evening, My bloods have been firmly between 8 and 16. :(
Its quite hard to get used to the pump when your ill aswell.

But I shall update more once i am better and more used to it. 🙂

Great news congratulations! Hope you're feeling better soon 🙂

First few weeks went swimmingly for me, after that is when things went a bit haywire and my basals needed adjusting again! It took a good 3 months for my body to get used to the pump, within that time my basal needed continuous adjusting. It settled down after that and now I only have to tweak it slightly every now and then.

Hope you get it all sorted soon, good luck with everything!
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