Up then down!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, getting bit frustrated and unsure of what to do next. Daughter is re-experiencing post breakfast spikes over past few days. Did some overnight checks and not experiencing any hypos so don't think it's rebound. Just tweeked her carb ratio by 1 this morning (from 11:1 to 10:1) and mid mornings were great but fell to her feet by lunchtime, and it was very early lunch! We have had a fairly inactive morning as well. Running along the low side since. Waiting to speak with her team but any other ideas would be very welcome as carb ratio one hasn't worked too well !
She seems to go one way then another as if she is super sensitive to any changes.
I wonder if I had just left her today whether she would have just had a normal day without the spike anyway ? Too many variables ! :confused:
Hi, getting bit frustrated and unsure of what to do next. Daughter is re-experiencing post breakfast spikes over past few days. Did some overnight checks and not experiencing any hypos so don't think it's rebound. Just tweeked her carb ratio by 1 this morning (from 11:1 to 10:1) and mid mornings were great but fell to her feet by lunchtime, and it was very early lunch! We have had a fairly inactive morning as well. Running along the low side since. Waiting to speak with her team but any other ideas would be very welcome as carb ratio one hasn't worked too well !
She seems to go one way then another as if she is super sensitive to any changes.
I wonder if I had just left her today whether she would have just had a normal day without the spike anyway ? Too many variables ! :confused:

Have you though about basal rate, the effect of changing this might be less dramatic........
Thanks, yes got brain in gear and going to try basal next if it persists tomorrow, the carb tweeking worked last time we experienced this so was thrown off course today when this pushed her too low. Just a bit impatient to get it right straight away for her as I can tell she is feeling these highs as is clingy and just wants comforting.
Thanks, yes got brain in gear and going to try basal next if it persists tomorrow, the carb tweeking worked last time we experienced this so was thrown off course today when this pushed her too low. Just a bit impatient to get it right straight away for her as I can tell she is feeling these highs as is clingy and just wants comforting.

It can be very frustrating when what worked fine last time has the opposite effect next time you try it - undermines your confidence somewhat :( But this is the way, it seems, with diabetes - you have to build up such a body of evidence before you can rely on something to deliver what you expect, then every now and then the Diabetes Fairy distributes some magic dust and you get something unexplained out of the blue! You can only try your best and build on experience, which it sounds to me like you are doing a fine job of. You do need to be a patient soul though, made far more difficult I imagine when it is someone so young and vulnerable that you are trying your best to help. Hope you have a period of getting everything right so you can have a little respite 🙂
Thank you, fingers crossed we can work this one out and get the little one sorted for a while. I do have to work at the patience thing though!
Unfortunately we are still struggling with this one. Attempts at basal increase also sent her too low. Trying to match the insulin peak time with the spike, this is hard, and being a typical toddler she doesn't want the same thing for breakfast whilst mummy experiments ! Trying best to pick low GI but some still send her up to the late teens in BG. See her consultant this Wed so will see what her hb1ac doing.
Is she on Lantus? Would she be better off on 2x Levemir?
Must be very frustrating. I find cereals always spike me no matter what i try!

have you tried bolusing 15 mins before she eats?
Thanks yes tried this am along with a couple of other things which I have mentioned on the thread in parents section, had a good morning today, thanks for your reply. 🙂
Thanks yes tried this am along with a couple of other things which I have mentioned on the thread in parents section, had a good morning today, thanks for your reply. 🙂

glad you had a good day today. hope you sort the problem
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