unwanted / un-needed diabetes supplies & sponsorship scheme

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If you change the products you use, you could consider donating the "old" remaining supplies.

The need is for:
No longer needed, unopened and in-date insulin [with at least 3 months to the expiry date]; Syringes, lancets, needles; Glucose test strips

Please help if you can by sending supplies to:
Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust,
PO Box 294,
Northampton NN14XS
Tel: 01604 622837 Fax: 01604 622838
e-mail insulin@iddtinternational.org

The items are distributed to people in India, who otherwise couldn't afford them, through Dream Trust, which also runs a sponsorship scheme:
"Sponsor a child
IDDT has a sponsor a child scheme and we ask people to give as little as ?2.00 a month to sponsor a child at Dream Trust. The cost of insulin for one child is ?17.00 per month so if just 9 people make monthly standing order payments of just ?2.00. a child's life saving insulin will be secured. All the money that is donated goes directly to the children - all the administration costs are paid for by IDDT. If you would like to sponsor a child, contact IDDT, PO Box 294, Northampton NN1 4XS, Tel 01604 622838 or e-mail bev@iddtinternational.org and the forms will be sent to you."
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