Unwanted pens


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, I’m finally at home after 8 weeks of mostly excellent NHS care and rehab for my broken femur.

I was discharged with 2 months’ worth of meds, but discovered yesterday that my insulins (Novorapid & Levemir) have been issued as pre-filled pens.

I have never used pre-filled pens, not only are they bad for the environment and taking up a lot of space in the fridge, I can’t scan them in Librelink as I do my Novopen Echo Plus pens.

What to do? I know the pharmacy won’t take prescribed meds back once issued. I have noted that the IDDT will accept unopened, unused and in date Diabetes supplies to send to Ukraine and other areas of need, and I’d be happy to pass these pens on to them. Would this be acceptable?

BTW I have plenty of cartridges available so would not be reordering for 2 months, so I don’t feel I would be “wasting” prescribed insulin.

What do others think?