Unsure about testing

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been taking Metformin almost since I was diagnosed 25 years ago, some 7 or 8 years ago I was pot on one Gliclazide every mornings I wasn't keen as I thought my readings were ok just an odd blip. So when I was asked if I'd stop taking Gliclazide I was fine , a move of house and lots more walking has meant many tests quite low but I was surprised to be told I wouldn't need to self test any more. I would much rather keep testing otherwise how will I know if my sugar levels are ok? I was told the surgery would no longer supply test strips etc. What do others think? Am I a bit pathetic wanting to keep testing? I am 77 years old now and intend buying test strips etc myself but puzzled really as to why testing is no longer needed. I will still be taking Metformin....

It’s a common cause of frustration on the forum @Cairie - where people on either Metformin, or D&E who have an interest in improving their self management through testing are denied the means to do so because they aren’t on meds that commonly cause hypoglycaemia.

Metformin isn’t generally associated with causing hypoglycaemia. And the guidance only suggests GPs give meters and strips to people in hypo-causing meds.

There is also research that shows testing can cause anxiety, and is felt to be painful, and inconvenient by T2s… but that same research also acknowledges that there are T2s who find testing very helpful in improving their self management, and tweaking their meals to suit their own metabolisms.

Lots and lots of members here have continued to check their levels despite being told they “didn’t need to”.

If you find it helpful - keep going!
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I have been taking Metformin almost since I was diagnosed 25 years ago, some 7 or 8 years ago I was pot on one Gliclazide every mornings I wasn't keen as I thought my readings were ok just an odd blip. So when I was asked if I'd stop taking Gliclazide I was fine , a move of house and lots more walking has meant many tests quite low but I was surprised to be told I wouldn't need to self test any more. I would much rather keep testing otherwise how will I know if my sugar levels are ok? I was told the surgery would no longer supply test strips etc. What do others think? Am I a bit pathetic wanting to keep testing? I am 77 years old now and intend buying test strips etc myself but puzzled really as to why testing is no longer needed. I will still be taking Metformin....

Because you were taking gliclazide which has the potential to cause low blood glucose surgeries are obliged to prescribe test strips but as you are no longer taking it then they probably feel that there is now no obligation. That is not to say that many find testing is an essential way of managing their condition and therefore self fund monitors and strips. It is very short sighted not to do so but those who have them prescribed are the lucky ones.
Metformin has not the potential to cause low blood glucose.
Many do ignore their GP when told no need to test. It is like driving your car without a speedometer, it is a guess whether you are over the speed limit.
There may be a monitor that has cheaper strips than the one you are prescribed so worth checking on line to compare, the GlucoNavii or TEE2 are ones with cheaper strips.
Did not know that about Gliclazide but, having read about it, can understand the decision

I was pre-diabetic, normal for a few years, now just on the pre-diabetic scale again. I test from time to time as I am trying to find out what foods are upsetting it all so can understand that you would want to keep testing. I buy my own strips as no GP would fund them for anyone not diabetic. I can understand your frustration though.
My 50 a month test strips were stopped after my Gliclazide was stopped. I continued to self fund test strips as the 50 a month were not enough for me any way.
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