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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Check blood this morning. 14.1 check again after lunch 17.4. I had a sandwich cheese on wholegrain. A glass of half sugar juice. Is that reading normal?
Hi Nigel and welcome. What insulin regime are you on? Do you carb count? Did you test before your lunch? Sorry for all the questions, but hopefully can help with a bit more info.🙂
Welcome to the forum, Nigel. We need a few more facts to be able to discuss your readings:
(1) when was your 14.1 (I'm assuming mmol/l) reading? fasting? before / after breakfast?
(2) how many slices of bread in sandwich? how many ml of juice? then we can estimate carbohydrate content of meal in grams
(3) how long between eating and checking blood sugar level?
(4) what else have you been doing today?
(5) what insulin types and doses are you injecting? (I'm assuming you are using insulin, as you state you have type 1 diabetes)
First thought is that a rise of 3.4mmol/l might be normal for what you have eaten and that insulin dose might not be correct.
I am novomix 70/30. It was half pint if tropicana 50/50. Cheese and onion sandwich mix in 2 slices brown bread. 14.1 was before breakfast. I take 14 units in morn and 14 units b4 evening meal.
I have only started last weds as i was only diagnosed on monday. I have seen diabetes nurse twice and she said she wants me to see dietician this thursday coming to discuss meals etc.
reading now 2 hrs after meal. 12.8 its getting there i suppose i have to get used to what im having on my plate. Smoked fish and brown bread for tea. A apple and satsuma.
As you started insulin so recently, it's wise not to reduce blood glucose levels too quickly, so that you avoid the sensation of "false hypos". No doubt your DSN (diabetes specialist nurse) will gradually increase insulin doses and explain about adjusting doses. Dietician will probably encourage eating starchy carbohydrates at every meal. Many people with type 2 diabetes find it helpful to reduce their carbohdrate intake.
i just want it to go normal. Its getting me down now im feeling i wana be on my own away from everybody and that isnt me as a person.
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