Unplanned hospital visits

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a simple planned day procedure on Wed, and went along along with all meds (in boxes not in the pill thingy) as well as all my diabetes stuff, just in case. Very organised. Later that Day I needed to return when things went awry. I made sure that I had my JBs spare cannula, sensor and inserted and test kit. Just picked up my grab bag (I think that might have been @rebrascora that prompted that a long time ago).

I had to stay in overnight and, apart from one nurse, they happily accepted my sensor readings, rather than a finger prick. Common sense but does not fit with the paperwork they have to fill in where they want a BG matching a scan of my wrist band. They also did all the extra diabetes checks: check feet, open wounds, … as per hospital protocols.
The doctors were pleased not to have to worry about managing my diabetes, but we agreed strategies if I needed any help and they confirmed what insulin I was using just in case sliding scale became necessary.
I was able to relax, rest and let my HCL manage things knowing that I would get alarms if issues arise.
I turned on the audible alerts on my phone so if I didn’t hear them, someone would soon wake me, with them on a very irritating repeat. I woke in the morning to find I was on target and saw how the loop had adjusted and got me back to a gently undulating line.

My mistake
In discussion one doctor checked that I had all I need for my diabetes, which I confirmed. She also asked if I had my back up for the the pump. I assured her that I always carried everything, but I realised I did not have my pens with me. I only take them with me if we are more than an hour from home. It was easily solved by my husband brining them in. Pens now also stored in grab bag, rather than separately, to take on any visit to hospital along with all the tech bits for pump.
I also forgot take my meds, although I had a list of these. I ended up falling in a gap as the consultant agreed in the morning hand over that I could go home so didn’t prescribe meds, so missed on these and watched my BP rise with the readings they were doing at the checks. I will take meds with me on any visit in future.

Things don’t always go to plan and I will be better prepared next time.
Hope you are feeling better @SB2015 and the unplanned visit was a one-off.

I have a "sliding scale" of back ups
- out for up to an hour. Unlikely to have a back up. I can get home quick enough
- out for half a day. Syringes and vial are my back up. I can bolus from the syringe every hour.
- out for a day. Syringes, vial and pump set change.
- out over night. Syringes, vial, pump set change and insulin pens.

It seems a waste of insulin pen cartridges to keep them out of the fridge most of the time, just in case when pump failures are very rare.

Finger prick meter comes with me most of the time although, unlike most, this is not because it is needed for driving as I prefer to walk and take the train most of the time.
Finger prick meter comes with me most of the time although, unlike most, this is not because it is needed for driving as I prefer to walk and take the train most of the time
In the rare occasions I need to finger prick, I now find my test strip cartridge goes out of date before I have used them all.

Good point about the pens and I have not yet tried injecting from the vial with a syringe.
My back up system is similar to yours, and pens only loaded when I go away away. Since this is quite often they are often loaded and once out Injust keep them with my kit.
I think I would probably take then with me now on a trip to A&E.
In the rare occasions I need to finger prick, I now find my test strip cartridge goes out of date before I have used them all.
I have yet to 100% trust my CGM so will check it at least twice a day when my BG is reasonably stable or when high or low. I guess you see less of those highs and lows now your HCL chum takes care of it.
I guess you see less of those highs and lows now your HCL chum takes care of it.
It certainly reduces the frequency of these and the variation. It was the lack of confidence with sensors that made it difficult for me to use HCL initially, however I find that Hermione will have a strop and asks me to intervene if she has any doubts. A good safety back up in built.
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