Unofficial postal strike, and my pump supplies!

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Ellie Jones

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Our local sorting office is out on strike!

It's an unofficial one over one of the postmen being suspended for swearing at a member of the public, apparently this means the managers who suspended said postmen are 'bullies' for suspending him!

Now I ordered my pump supplies last week, expecting to turn up Friday or Saturday (they downed tools Friday dinner time) I'm not desperate for my supplies, but will be by the end of the week!

So thought I better have a plan of action...

So first thoughts of plan of action, was to go down to the post office to plead my case, either if to a manager if one was about or to the postmen themselves, see if somebody would retrieve my parcel for me!

But decided that I would need confirmation from Roche that the supplies had been sent and via Royal Mail (99% of the time they do) so I phoned them this morning to get confirmation...

Only to find out that who ever took my order last week, hadn't actually entered it on the system correctly, so it hadn't actually been sent😱 So she's redid my order and going to send it out as an emergency and not via Royal Mail...

To be fair this is the first problem I've had in just over 4 years, so can't complain to much... Just hope the lady I spoke to today does her job better than the last person I spoke to!
Roche ordering system is rubbish, I have had several "no entries" on their system and even wrong items.

And of course when you ask no good reasons are ever given.
All I can say 😱 that your pump company trusts RM to deliver your supplies.
Mine have always come by courier no matter what company I have used.

Simple solution is to ring company and ask them to courier them if you get short.
But then I have always been told to order when opening last box of supplies. So thats 2 weeks or a months in hand at least depending on the type of cannula used.
Cartridges you can reuse anyway so thats not a problem.
Hmm, no probs so far (touches wood) although they did have a deadleg working for them last summer when I had a succession of tubs of strips that told me I had wet hands.

Like I don't know hands need to be dry? - and it was midsummer and from opening them the meter and tubs had been on my dining table, which certainly doesn't suffer from the wet .....

Eventually in desperation after 3 or 4 calls and always getting this chap and on my last tub of strips, I'd had 3 spares when I started ..... I rang out of working hours, when the helpline goes through to a Rep. I couldn't help but say, excuse me, I have been diabetic for 39 years and paid over ?30 for my first meter - a Roche! LOL - and this kid is telling me I'm doing it wrong? - not impressed ...... Hoorah - they not only replaced the strips but the meter too.

And dunno anything about anything, but never got that person ever again after that .....

The lady whose name begins with an S is the most reliable !
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