Unlike Iceland, not quite ready to erupt...

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
But my blood pressure is still very high :( It's better than it was just over a week ago - now 150/100, but obviously still pretty high. My GP has doubled my BP meds again - now on 8mg candesarten from tonight, although the maximum dose is 32mg so still a way to go. Apparently 8mg is the normal starting level although I started on 2mg ages ago.

...urgh! just had a steath hypo 2.7! ...

Anyway, got seen by the doctor the instant I walked in which was unusual! She's so lovely. Thinks my increased weight might be a factor so it looks like I'm going to have to work at reducing it a bit (I am a bit heavy for me,it has to be said).

Interestingly, the pharmacist said I should look out for hypos as the increased dose can cause increased hypoglycaemic effect from my insulin although there's nothing in the Patient Information Leaflet about that. Rachel? 😉
Hope the new pills work.

I'd trust whatt he pharmacist says as they have to up date their knowledge on a regular basis.
I've just been alerted to your post by Steff. I can't see anything about Candesartan having any effect on your blood sugar levels. I know Atenolol (another drug for high blood pressure, but completely different) can mask the warning signs of a hypo but Candesartan doesn't have any warnings at all like that.
I'm just looked around a bit and only one of the pages i've read suggests talking talking to your doctor before taking this medication of your diabetes is poorly controlled. But no further details were forthcoming. You could go back and ask the pharmacist where he got this info if you wanted to. I'll try and remember to ask somebody at work tomorrow.
Alternatively if the Candesartan is masking your hypo signs the you and your pharmacist might want to report it to the MHRA, Just tried the MHRA, no warnings there.

Sorry to hear your BP isnt what you would like it to be - perhaps you just need to give it some more time and increase the dose. I wonder why your BP has suddenly risen lately - its not normally high is it?:confused:🙂Bev
Oh, it takes four to six weeks for you to feel the full effect, according to medicine.net.com
Thanks Rachel, she just said it could 'increase the hypoglycaemic effect of the insulin' - I didn't really take it in, I must admit - thinking about it now, I was probably hypo in the pharmacy as a 2.7 snuck up on me shortly after when I'd got home, so wasn't really concentrating but I'm pretty sure she said hypo and not hyper (I still think they should be called Tony and Lucy so we could tell them apart more easily!🙂)

Bev, the doctor thinks my weight gain might be something to do with it. Although I'm still within my BMI range, I'm heavier than I am normally - probably due to a horrible, depressing winter. It has imorived from just over a week ago and I'm sure the extra drugs will improve it.

Have you been running lately? That's got to be good for your blood pressure hasn't it?
Now your levels are reduced perhaps this is a good idea. Have you asked the doctor?
I've looked on your site and you look about 30, not 50! And to see you in those running shorts. Well, it's hard to believe you're having trouble with blood pressure.
I'm glad you have updated the forum on this 'cause i was thinking about it yesterday but didn't like to ask.
Hope it keeps coming down and back to normal soon.

Have you been running lately? That's got to be good for your blood pressure hasn't it?
Now your levels are reduced perhaps this is a good idea. Have you asked the doctor?
I've looked on your site and you look about 30, not 50! And to see you in those running shorts. Well, it's hard to believe you're having trouble with blood pressure.
I'm glad you have updated the forum on this 'cause i was thinking about it yesterday but didn't like to ask.
Hope it keeps coming down and back to normal soon.

Thanks, I haven't been running much at all over the winter which is why I suspect its crept up so high. I was getting back into it last week but then I caught a cold! 😡 so it may have been lower if I'd been able to continue - just got back to it this morning so hope to start building up the mileage again!

As for age, it's funny, I still think of 50 as being quite old - until I realise that's how old I am and a lot of my friends! I'm nearly old enough for one of those retirement flats for the over 55's!😱
I'm not far behind you which is why it's so depressing seeing people looking younger than me who in fact are quite a few years older. Still, i'll blame that on the diabetes. Got to get back at it somehow!
I too have had a cold/ bad chest for a couple of weeks and haven't been able to get out running. Looking forward to getting back to it. The winters really are a pain in the arse where diabetes is concerned.
Hope that BP starts behaving. Have you purchased another meter yet or are you continuing with the wrist one ?
Hope that BP starts behaving. Have you purchased another meter yet or are you continuing with the wrist one ?

I can't afford one margie :( I'm pretty sure that I can turn things around now I can really get back into my running. Over the winter I've been very depressed and lazy, and I tend to numb the pain with alcohol a bit too often, but now the weather is much better, the days are longer and the flowers are out I feel a lot brighter and more optimistic.🙂 Plus, I'm sure that eating 4 times as much BP pills as before will have an effect!

I'm going back to the doctors in about a month to see how things are going and also to get my latest HbA1c, so I just need to start behaving myself better :D
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