unknown diabetes who can help?


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Neonatal Diabetes
Hi everyone, i'm 23 y.o. 60 kg Diagonased in april 2023 with diabetes hba1c 14.6.
i started taking insulin for two days but i had low blood sugar then i did anti ia2 and antiGAD65 both were negatif.
in this case my doctor gave my metaformin .. my hba1c now is 6.3 morning sugar is 5.7 ...
my doctor said that m in diabetes honeymoon but usually it lasts few months and the anticorps anti ia2 and antigad65 must be positive but in my case they r negative ...
in my last visit to the doctor she said that i can be normal again is this possible??
Welcome to the forum @slimmh

It looks like you are posting from Tunisia? That’s no problem, we have a few overseas members, who are very welcome here - though you may find some terminology and diabetes care options are different in your country than those offered in the UK.

You do seem to have an unusual presentation for T2, both in terms of age and weight. Some members here have also had unusual starts to their life with diabetes, and some times it can take a little while before the diabetes type becomes clear.

Good to hear that your glucose levels have reduced. And the Metformin seems to be helping.

Let us know how things go over the coming months and years, and whether your diabetes type becomes any clearer? 🙂
in my last visit to the doctor she said that i can be normal again is this possible??
It is possible to get your blood glucose numbers back into normal range, and keep them there, after a diabetes diagnosis if that's what your doctor means. Many have done so. This is called "remission" (no signs, no symptoms, no meds). It doesn't mean cured, though.