University Research

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Hi all,

My name is Edward Phillips and I'm a third-year student at De Montfort University in Leicester studying product design Bsc. I'm currently embarking on my major project, I have chosen to look into the condition of diabetes and the issues around maintaining insulin levels.

As I'm no expert on this, I am seeking help from people who live with the condition just to fill out a quick survey to help me understand what areas are a problem.

I've attached a link to the survey as well as a letter of approval from my universities ethics team. I mean no offence by this I'm just looking for the research I need to help my project be a success. This is a non-profit project.

Feel free to fill it in at your own leisure.

Many thanks Ed🙂



No problem - someone will be along shortly. @Josh DUK can probably help
I have reviewed the ethics approval @edwardph14, and your research project is approved.

Best wishes for your project
Done! Just a couple of observations.
It refers to 'Insulin pen' singular, and asks how many shots you do a day. Most of us have two insulin pens, one for bolus (short acting, for meal times) and one for basal (once or twice a day, long acting background insulin). So I do two shots one morning and one at bedtime from the long acting pen, and three or more shots at meal or snack times from the other, so I couldn’t be quite accurate with that question.
For the question as to whether not having my insulin pen with me affected me mentally or physically, the answer is, it depends on why I needed it. It’s a different matter
1) if I find I’m unexpectedly high, and could do with a correction dose, but didn’t think I’d need my pen, or
2) We are out for a walk, I didn’t take my insulin pen with me because I wasn’t expecting to stop, and we happen upon a cafe. Not having my insulin means I can’t have a piece of cake, but although cake might have been nice, it isn't an essential.
But good luck with your project!
, I have chosen to look into the condition of diabetes and the issues around maintaining insulin levels.
Do you mean blood sugar levels?
Do you mean blood sugar levels?
Good point. The wording struck me as odd. We take insulin, @edwardph14, but the amount in our body at any point can’t be measured, what we measure with our monitors, and keep an eye on is our Blood glucose. So we don’t talk about our insulin levels, but our blood glucose, or blood sugar levels.
As I am on a pump some of the questions are difficult to answer.

I hope all goes well.
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