University interview

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Now i know this has nothing to do with diabetes what so ever!

But ive just applied for the Operating Department Practice course at Huddersfield university and i have been sent a letter stating that i have an interview!! In the letter it says that i have to be there at half 9 but my interview wont b till 1220. Now it does say there will be students and teachers there so i presume they will talk to us about what ever. But i wondered what else they would do? None of my friends have got to university so i cant ask them. My interview is on the 20th feb and if all goes well i start in March sometime.

Thanks for any ideas.(Crapping myself lol)

It be any number of things but my guess would be everyone's asked to get there at the same time maybe for a group talk. Could have a campus tour, displays to look round, past pupils etc I've helped out a few times on these sort of things for the uni I went to and it's usually been a bit like an open day... Just a guess though!
Usually, it's a chance for you to look round the facilities, ask informal questions to students, rather than interviewers - both specific to the course and specific to the university eg accommodation options (may not be so important if you live in Huddersfield), clubs & societies etc. They might show some videos and / or show you round operating department and / or let you try with training equipment eg IV drips, inserting IV cannulae, stitching "skin" (usually either pig or artificial).

But, not to increase your anxiety, just to suggest you think about how you'll plan the morning, they will be watching you. operations can last many hours, and you can't feed yourself, test blood glucose, have insulin injection or adjust pump dose rate while scrubbed up - although someone else could do it to you. So, you will need to work out how to cope.

Above all, good luck and enjoy the day!
Hi EmmaLou,

Same here!! :) I'm off to Nottingham Trent on the twelth for my interview for applied biomedical science. My advice would be don't try or pretend to be anything that you're not. Be honest but think about what you are going to say.

Best of luck,

Tom H
Congratulations to all!

It was a few years ago now and I did a design course - but when I went down for open days in London at the colleges i wanted to apply to - I had the greatest time and it was a real eye opener - there was one college in particular I wanted to apply to and went to the other to make my trip worthwhile down to London - as it was, the staff and students at the one I was filling up time with - were brilliant and so welcoming that I applied there instead! The other college had a great reputation but everyone was so up themselves. It really was the best way to decide if i was going to be happy there for four years - and I was very happy and had the best time at my college. So make the most of talking to the students (it's not just about the course - it's about living away from home, socal life, accomodation, the student union, the SU bar!!) and grill the staff. I found this invaluable! Best of luck to both of you and please let us know how you get on!
CONGRATULATIONS on the interview.

I have never been to uni, but have had similar experiences when applying for jobs. The usual procedure is everyone meets in a lecture theatre or large meeting room. There is a talk followed by getting to know people and group activities while people are taken out and interviewed. the day usually ends around 4.30 or 5 pm. Of course there are coffee and lunch breaks fitted into all this too.

Might be different for uni thoe.
congratualtions on the interview. We did some shared modules with the OPD's whilst i was trianing.

as the others have said I expect that they will show you round and tell you about the course first. I met 4 people on my tour day and they all ended up getting onto my course and 3 I was good friends with through uni, so it's cool to meet others who may be on your course.

be prepared to be called to go to occupational health if you get offered a place. Shouldn't cause any problems but they like to know if you are in control etc. and if any accomodations need to be made.
Nice one! good luck with it! as everyone has already said itl likely be an open day kinda thing, gives you a chance to check things out.

one thing- when you get to uni, make the most of it- do everything you want to do and do as much as possible! :)
I think I might have said I would say how I got on. Well in short I think it went well and I know that If I'm lucky I could get an offer for one of the twelve places that there are available on the course.

Tom H
I think I might have said I would say how I got on. Well in short I think it went well and I know that If I'm lucky I could get an offer for one of the twelve places that there are available on the course.

Tom H

Good news Tom. Hope you were successful
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