Universal Credit/Pip

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi i keep being told to apply for pip but i keep failing to get them to understand how my diabetes is affecting me whike im learning to get to grips with it.

Has anyone got any tips please?
I can’t imagine you’d get pip just for diabetes unless you have complications eg visually impaired because of it
I can’t imagine you’d get pip just for diabetes unless you have complications eg visually impaired because of it
Its the depression and unreliability amongst other things.
Its the depression and unreliability amongst other things.
You need to read the pip descriptors, it’s not based on conditions it’s based on things like can you heat a meal yourself
Hi i keep being told to apply for pip but i keep failing to get them to understand how my diabetes is affecting me whike im learning to get to grips with it.

Has anyone got any tips please?
The system is not set up for you to win. Equally, the system is there to rule out as many claimants as possible and completely overlook those that need it the most. Expect to fail.
You can look at CAB and their section on pip

question breakdown here

points breakdown here

points requirements here

universal credit is slightly different with their own assessments

My daughter is on both UC and PIP (*edit: not for anything D related*) and although she has qualified for both without having to appeal, she only just got them.
We have been through these questions multiple times and I did a lot of research with how to answer the questions.
its super stressful on the whole and unfair that the assessors are not necessarily specialists in the field so very much lack understanding.

I'm not by any means saying the system is fair but unlikely you can claim PIP for diabetes alone without having some other complications that had a massive impact on your life and ability to do basic care of self tasks.
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My PIP appeal never went to court. They used the fact I couldn't attend because of the situation with my feet to choose not to hold a hearing. They could have done it over a video call but chose not to. I'm geussing they need to meet targets on how quick they deal with appeals. Complete waste of time. Sorry.
I’d think you’d be very unlikely to get PIP @gillrogers I get Universal Credit but that’s nothing to do with my diabetes, it’s because I’m a single parent on a low income.
My daughter got PIP for her mobility issues, I thought you are supposed to be able to get some daily living allowance for diabetes (not the full amount), but they didn’t give her any at all for that. She can’t be bothered to argue at the moment, she thinks she didn’t explain very well how it affects her day to day life, but we mainly applied for it because of the mobility problem and got that. Even then, they asked her how far she can walk. She said she can’t stand up at all. So they said “I’ll put that you can walk a few metres then”…. Amazingly she still got the full points for mobility!
I would have completely refused to accept any such suggestion - tantamount to calling a person a liar to their face in my book ????????????????
Its the depression and unreliability amongst other things.

Have you tried listing the two conditions separately?
The mental and physical health parts of PIP are calculated separately so you might get more "points" that way and be more likely to be awarded credit/benefits?
I would have completely refused to accept any such suggestion - tantamount to calling a person a liar to their face in my book ????????????????
??? What do you mean?
Have you tried listing the two conditions separately?
The mental and physical health parts of PIP are calculated separately so you might get more "points" that way and be more likely to be awarded credit/benefits?
No i just lumped it as one. Im just having souch trouble thinking straight with it. Brain just cant focus with it. Not helping matter now is my husbands now out of work.
I think I’d focus on money for now @gillrogers - ie the drop in income from your husband being out of work. It’s not surprising you’re stressed in those circumstances. I can’t remember if you’re working yourself?
I think I’d focus on money for now @gillrogers - ie the drop in income from your husband being out of work. It’s not surprising you’re stressed in those circumstances. I can’t remember if you’re working yourself?
I was part time but not now cos i cant cope with how physical it was and having to work on my own in an otherwise empty building.
Ok, so you might be entitled to benefits (and your husband too) depending on how much money you have saved, if any. A good benefits calculator is:

I know people go on about running a marathon before breakfast then jetting round the world as part of their high-powered 60hr a week job and how Type 1 doesn’t stop them doing that blah blah, but personally I find Type 1 is involved in my job decisions. I’ve ruled out jobs that are too far away; too physical; strange hours; unpredictable shifts, etc, so don’t be afraid to do that too, within reason. I used Indeed to job hunt because I could search by Part Time and within a certain distance of my home. I’m sure there are suitable jobs out there for you and your husband 🙂
Ok, so you might be entitled to benefits (and your husband too) depending on how much money you have saved, if any. A good benefits calculator is:

I know people go on about running a marathon before breakfast then jetting round the world as part of their high-powered 60hr a week job and how Type 1 doesn’t stop them doing that blah blah, but personally I find Type 1 is involved in my job decisions. I’ve ruled out jobs that are too far away; too physical; strange hours; unpredictable shifts, etc, so don’t be afraid to do that too, within reason. I used Indeed to job hunt because I could search by Part Time and within a certain distance of my home. I’m sure there are suitable jobs out there for you and your husband 🙂
Oh yes, hes been apllying left right and centre. Keeps getting the same email from prospective employers, ssying no sorry not this time etc. Then i noticed the wording was very similar almost if not word for word. Then igot looking at improving our cv structures. Was on the .gov website and discoveted that may emploers use software to scan online applications and cvs done through the likes of Indeed. This software pics out key words in the cv. If that paricular key word or words isnt there then the application is booted out even if the applicatant is suitable. Myhusband is signed on with a few agencies and applied through indeed for a particular job. He got the no sorry reply. Then one of the agency sent him to the same job! Which hes done and they recognised his name and he told them they turned him down. They only saw his name, didnt read his application because the software auto rejected him! Now they've asked for him back but on an adhic basis at the moment. Just how many jobs are not taken up because of software rejection based on keywords not being present in an application!
Hi i keep being told to apply for pip but i keep failing to get them to understand how my diabetes is affecting me whike im learning to get to grips with it.

Has anyone got any tips please?
You can ask for a majority condersidation and then if that doesn't work you can apeal. I appealed a universal credit sanction once and won. Im now reapliing for pip. I have other conditions as well.
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