Unexpected high reading

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just tested before lunch and got 6.7 when I was expecting somewhere between 4 and 5.

Low carb dinner last night, quick cup of coffee this morning (black), gym session with a mixture of CV and resistance work, supermarket trip and then home for lunch - skipped breakfast which is quite normal for me. So what's caused this? Long lasting dawn phenomenon, exercise leading to liver dump or just one of those things? Didn't do my fasting level this morning.

I'll test a couple of hours after lunch and see what I'm at then.
Probably just one of those things Cliff. I normally wake to 4.5-5.5, but last week I woke to 7.7! Might have been a test strip anomaly.
Hi Cliff,

I can't offer any explanation other than it must have been what people call a liver dump.

There isn't a possibility that you might have had something on your finger such as food, sugar or some type of hand cream is there? I've read quite a lot about hand creams giving very high readings.

In the past, if I've had an unexpected high (e.g. a reading around 7) on rising then I've usually been able to work out the reason from what I'd been eating the night before - e.g. eating pizza, or meals out at Indian or Chinese restaurants. If I haven't been able to work it out at the time then the reason has come to me later as I've learnt new stuff.

I wouldn't worry about it too much because you sound to be doing just fine!

Best wishes - John
Hi Northerner. Given it was an odd reading for me, I did a second strip straight after on a different finger and got 6.5 so the first reading seems right enough.

Now re-tested an hour after lunch (ham, garlic sausage, artichokes and olives - antipasto type stuff) and got 5.0. Not sure I'll bother with a 2 hour test - it's heading in the right direction.

Maybe just one of those odd things - I ration my strips for fasting and meal testing only and have never quite got to grips with exactly what various types of exercise do to my levels.
Hi John - I'm quite scrupulous about cleaning and drying my hands before testing and always do it the same way so I don't think that's it. It's not something I'm worried about really - just curious. It's part of my philosophy at the moment of viewing my body like an interesting science experiment and trying to understand things.
...............It's part of my philosophy at the moment of viewing my body like an interesting science experiment and trying to understand things...................
Oh! I understand that very well indeed Cliff. You sound to be much the same as me. Keep at it we'll get there!

Jeez would love to have a "high" of 6.7 any time of the day... !!!
Jeez would love to have a "high" of 6.7 any time of the day... !!!
Hi squidge63,

What have you been doing to try to get your levels down?

Diet is very powerful ally in any such efforts.

Best wishes - John
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