Understanding the mental aspect can help fight diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The 2012 listing for diabetes rates by country, published by the International Diabetes Association, reads like a Who's Who of Arabian Gulf states.

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain all make the top ten, with prevalence rates of 23.9, 23.4, 23.3, and 22.4 per cent respectively. The UAE did not rank in the top ten this year, but the reported rate, 18.2 per cent, is still disconcertingly high.
Much has been written about the complications associated with diabetes, but the psychological consequences are often overlooked or even ignored. As a result the psychological aspect of care provision is sadly lacking in most Gulf nations.
One psychological disorder commonly associated with diabetes is anxiety. Diabetes UK, the leading diabetes charity there, says diabetics are 20 per cent more likely to experience an anxiety disorder than people without the disease.

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