Unable to lower blood sugars?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
jinty New Member Type of Diabetes:
  1. Type 1
    Hi, am recently new to forum though not to diabetes type 1. 40 years last July. Anyway don't know if this is place for a question but been having constantly high sugars 25/30 for last 3 days. No ketone, no temp, infection nothing unusual. Sugars will not get lower despite having doubled insulin ( a major dose of porcine neural 80 units 3 times a day. 64 of isophane morning and night NORMAL DOSE Which I have DOUBLED throughout the day with very little carbs and plenty of water. ) Has this happened to anyone else? Got bloods done last week and everything normal ..... Obviously feeling horrible and running to bathroom with sugars. ONLY PROB is sensitivity to insulin which will be investigated in IMMUNOLOGY on 15th Nov. Constantly on antihistamines . .............. This hasn't affected control before though . Any advise welcome. Thank you.

    jinty, Today at 12:34 AM

  2. LjcWell-Known Member
    Type of Diabetes:
    Type 2
    Hi Jinty Welcome. Sorry to hear about sensitivity to your insulin , I hope this can be sorted soon, I expect you have already tried different insulins.
    I'm a total novice where animal insulin is concerned but I assume like other insulins that the ones not in use need to be stored in the fridge ? If so it could be what happen to them before you received them , I've had to dispose of a few cartridges myself once was my own fault, several days sitting in the hot sun whilst in my bag didn't do it much good.
    I expect you've checked but thought I'd mention it just in case, have you checked The expiry date.
    Now why not come and join us in th general forum. We are a friendly bunch here who help support support each other we also enjoy a laugh and a joke too.

    Ljc, Today at 1.01am
Thanks for that, I have previously had problems with actrapid & monotard & various other man made insulin. ... my control has never been affected tho needed more & more insulin to have a beneficial effect. Altho I have the immunology appointment am finding it difficult to get 'diabetic help' as my consultant of 30+ years retired and has yet to be replaced. Unfortunately the nhs consultants at hospital will not take responsibility for my case.
I built up antibodies to porcine insulin after 20-odd years. In the 'olden' days when you or I were diagnosed there were only two types - porcine and bovine and the 'cure' used to be to stick you on the other animal source one. If you don't get on well with analogues or any of the newer types (I do, so I've been OK since) it strikes me that bovine could be the answer?
If you're feeling rank and constantly running to the bathroom then I think we can rule out meter error or general infection. Given the size of the doses you're taking, I'd be inclined to ditch the current vials/carts you're using and move onto the next ones. Possibly the vials/carts you're using at the moment have 'gone off' for one reason or another.

Also do check your injection devices to ensure they're working correctly.

I didn't know you could develop antibodies to animal insulin. If you've ruled out the actual cart and injection device as causes of the problem, trophywench's solution seems to be the next logical step.
Yup - it's still a substance that one's body can recognise as 'foreign' Deus - for the simple reason that we aren't pigs/cattle !
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