Umpty dumpty times

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i am having a well strange day aswell..normally i range 7.2 am but has been a bit lower recently ..6.7 then this morning 5.6 !!! yeah!🙂 i thought grabbed a quick coffee and dropped son in school ...took the dogs to common started to feel incredibly sick dizzy and shaky... was sick had to sit down for a while ...i havent been like this since dx then decided to have some lucozade...and within 10 mins feeling alot better so came home had some toast ...still feeling weird this afternoon and now my bs is 8.6 3 hrs after eating a turkey and salad sandwich normally id be about 5.8 at this time..... probably the lucozade i had but i realy felt i needed it .....umpty dumpty times again :(
Sorry to hear you're not well :( I sometimes get what I think are symptoms of high or low blood sugars and my levels turn out to be reasonable when tested, so it might just be one of those things and not related to diabetes (although having diabetes might have made things feel worse).

Hope you're feeling better soon! 🙂
i should have eaten before i left the house probably but it be very stressful here at moment and of course mum comes last ! but thks Northe x
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