Ultrasound pill could replace painful daily injections

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Many people with diabetes or cancer have to go through painful injections everyday.

Since substances like insulin do not penetrate tissue quickly enough to be effective when taken orally, injections has been the only option to deliver such drugs.

Now, a pill that uses ultrasound to speed up drug delivery could end the need for these painful daily injections.


I often wonder how many actual diabetics are asked if their injections are 'painful'? I have had thousands and honestly can't remember the last time I thought 'ooh! that was painful!' 🙄
Do you have to recover the pill afterwards😱 I'll stick to a needle thanks.
Perhaps they use blunt needles in India? :D
It's not that "substances like insulin do not penetrate tissue quickly enough to be effective when taken orally", but that insulin is destroyed by stomach acid.
Ar, I thought that Copepod - but clearly they are different to us, bearing in mind their injections hurt anyway. So perhaps their bodies do something different to the rest of the world? Or different insulin ? :D :D
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