UK drug that boosts immune cells could halt childhood diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A drug that could stop children from developing diabetes is being tested by British scientists.
In future, youngsters could be screened for vulnerability at school, then given the drug to keep them healthy.
Even delaying the onset of childhood, or Type 1, diabetes could have huge benefits in terms of long-term health.
Charities said the pioneering work could bring us a ?step closer to a world without diabetes?.
Britain?s 400,000-plus Type 1 diabetics rely on multiple injections of insulin a day to keep them alive, and face complications in later life ranging from amputations to blindness.
I hope this is successful. The problem I see is that a lot of children develop Type1 before they reach school age.
wow - now if that happens it would be a brilliant step forward
Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful?
I hope this is successful. The problem I see is that a lot of children develop Type1 before they reach school age.

Indeed, in fact I'm sure I read recently that more children are being diagnosed at younger ages :(
Type 1 diabetes: Cardiff researchers in vaccine trial

Researchers at Cardiff University are taking part in a clinical trial of a new vaccine to tackle type 1 diabetes.

They believe a vaccine can slow or stop the disease's development and recently-diagnosed adult volunteers are being sought to take part in the trial.

Type 1 affects about one in 250 people in the UK and is rising, especially in young children.

It involves a patient's immune system attacking the body's own insulin-making cells.

The resulting lack of insulin is life-threatening unless treated with replacement therapy.

Unlike type 2 diabetes, type 1 is not linked to obesity or lifestyle. Genes do appear to play a role.
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