UK diabetes spend to reach ?16.9bn by 2035

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
By 2035 the NHS will increase its spending on diabetes from ?9.8bn to ?16.9bn, according to a new report published in the journal Diabetic Medicine.

Authored by York Health Economic Consortium and in partnership with Diabetes UK, the diabetes research charity JDRF and Sanofi Diabetes, the Impact Diabetes report also suggests that the cost of treating diabetes complications will double, from ?7.7bn to 13.5bn during this period.

According to the report, 79 per cent of current NHS diabetes spending goes on complications, however, investing in ?checks and services? could help reduce this cost.

79% on complications! How on earth can it have escaped their notice for so long that it is a false economy to save pennies on preventative measures and wait for things to get so bad that hugely expensive interventions are required? :(
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