ugh - new hba1c

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

safe to say i actually cried when he told me, i feel like i've been working so hard on bringing it down (it was 8.1) to get this result...anyway, i have calmed down a bit now and am feeling much more proactive about getting it down.

i just wanted to show you the kind email my DSN sent me after she saw me upset...

Hi Siobhan

I am sorry you were so upset today. Email me your results when we can and we will take a fresh look at them.


Barbara Hudson (Byrne)
Diabetes - Sister

what made me smile/feel better was the fact she titled the email, "don't worry we can sort this diabetes thing out"...i wish it were that simple, lol! but it gave me a bit of hope that yeah, things aren't good, but we CAN sort them out.

still feeling pretty crappy about 9.4 though. when i was on 2 x daily injections, my hba1c was ALWAYS 7.something. never above or below 7. i was always 'star of the clinic'.
Sorry to hear you HbA is higher than you'd like, but as you said you can work on it and sort it out 🙂 Don't let it get you down! All you can do is try your best and it certainly sounds like you are and you also have a great support behind you.

When you were on 2 injections a day did you have more hypos? or did you watch what you ate more?
sorry to hear that Shiv, it sucks when you work so hard to get your levels down but they dont :(

keep on at it hun, I know you'll get it sorted!
Sorry to hear you HbA is higher than you'd like, but as you said you can work on it and sort it out 🙂 Don't let it get you down! All you can do is try your best and it certainly sounds like you are and you also have a great support behind you.

When you were on 2 injections a day did you have more hypos? or did you watch what you ate more?

i definitely ate a LOT better than i do now. i had a proper diabetic diet back sweets, chocolate, snacks (unless at appointed times), etc. i didn't have any more hypos as far as i remember.

i think me and my partner are going to do the diabetic diet (as i have phrased it) soon to try and see if that straightens things out.
Hiya Shiv

Sorry to hear that you were upset, I would be too. I think we all understand.

It is however so hard going from one regime to another. Is this your first one since going onto 4 injections?

I know that going from 4 injections to a pump that lots of first HbA1c's go up and that is devastating for people who are then ready to throw the pump out of the window.

Have they taught you carb counting? This is the biggest way to 'sort it out' on MDI. Maybe they have your ratios a bit wrong.

You'll get there. 🙂
Hey Shiv,

Honey- I am sooooooo sorry. I am also not too far off you and I know how upsetting it is. I was on here after my result about a month ago with the same kind of post.

I think they only thing I can say is that after the down feeling is to use it for determination to make it better next time. You have changed your reguime and its never easy. The dust may settle. The good news like you say is your diabetes nurse is going to help you regroup and get back on track.

There are lots of people on here with good hba1c's, we are all different! Dont judge yourself!

Hiya Shiv
Have they taught you carb counting? This is the biggest way to 'sort it out' on MDI. Maybe they have your ratios a bit wrong.)

i'm a carb counter for sure. i got all the training on the DAFNE course...i have meddled about with my ratios recently, so i'm waiting a week or so before i meddle again!

one thing i forgot to mention in my original post is that Barbara the DSN wants me to do the DAFNE refresher course. i told her there's no way i can get time off so she is going to write to work (haha i work for RBS!) and tell them i need the time off for it.

and if they deny it to me, or try to make me take it unpaid/holiday, i will be on their asses with the DDA quicker than...a woodpecker pecks. or something.

edit: wait, does anyone know if i could get them on the DDA if they make me take it as holiday or unpaid leave, seeing as this is for my health?
i'm a carb counter for sure. i got all the training on the DAFNE course...i have meddled about with my ratios recently, so i'm waiting a week or so before i meddle again!

one thing i forgot to mention in my original post is that Barbara the DSN wants me to do the DAFNE refresher course. i told her there's no way i can get time off so she is going to write to work (haha i work for RBS!) and tell them i need the time off for it.

and if they deny it to me, or try to make me take it unpaid/holiday, i will be on their asses with the DDA quicker than...a woodpecker pecks. or something.

edit: wait, does anyone know if i could get them on the DDA if they make me take it as holiday or unpaid leave, seeing as this is for my health?


Sorry to hear about your result.

Your employer must make reasonable adjustments. For example, my employer will move my rest day or duty so I can go to a diabetes related appointment. I won't loose pay.

I hope you are in a union - in which case see a shop steward or phone their advice line. If you are not in a union - join one.
I'm sorry you were disappointed. So hard to pick back up. BUT you are doing the right thing by reaching out for support, by letting all us know, and by depending on your (excellent!) team for direction. You are also already thinking about ways through this, which I think is pretty good, to be honest. It would be much easier to go into a hole for a while...

If you really felt that your levels were going to be lower (from your meter readings or whatever), maybe the higher numbers are invisible, like at night? I know that when we have a good night with my son, I think, well that's ten hours of the day in target...

Take care, anyway, and keep in touch!

(btw, your nurse's note made me well up a bit! Even though she doesn't really know how hard it is, she is doing her best for you, and that's touching, means a lot...)
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