Ugh! Got a cold

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I started with the odd sneeze this morning and now it's turned into a fully-fledged cold :( Interestingly, I didn't have any hint it was coming, and I have had pretty much perfect blood sugar levels all day (woke at 4.6, was 4.6 before lunch and 6.0 2hours post lunch). It's probably the worst cold I've had since diagnosis - before diabetes I would hardly have noticed it, but now I'm waiting for the ketones to turn my blood to acid!😱

Anyone else have lovely levels when they are ill, or am I just weird/lucky?
Oh dear :( I had a cold couple of weeks back and had loads of high's. Bizarre that you didn't have any symptoms of a cold first. Hope you feel better soon 🙂 xx
Aww get well soon northey sounds like what i went through on monday i was in bed by 9 unusually my levels were steady, which has nto been the case in the past when i have had a flu they usually rise, rise, rise if im under the weather.
Hope you fel better soon Northe - I haven't had a cold for a while so can't really help on the levels front - sorry!
Hope you feel better soon Northerner. I haven't had a cold since paying attention so can't offer much on the levels front x
Hi Norhterner ..

Hope you feeling better soon hun .... :D .... Colds are not fun ... :(

Back to your question about bg levels ... A couple of times Nathan has been ill, his levels havent been affected ... the significant illness that did however send levels soaring and the dreaded ketones was the swine flu ..

Have a hot toddy, without the honey ..

Hope you are feeling better soon x
Hope you feel better soon.

I've been off work all week due to this bad cough and virus thing I've got.

I've been coughing so much all my ribs and mustles ache and I've almost lost my voice as well. :(
Thanks guys. Well, it's still not having an adverse effect on my levels - I was 5.2 before bed and woke to 3.8 this morning. Still feel rough as a box of toads, but slightly better than yesterday. Annoyed though, because I wanted to go out for a run this morning :(
I'd say you were lucky having such good levels with a cold so it MIGHT be hay fever. Similar symptoms and it is now that time of year. father in law didn't start with the hay fever till he was well past 50. I hope you feel better soon and the sneezes and stuff pass quickly
I'd say you were lucky having such good levels with a cold so it MIGHT be hay fever. Similar symptoms and it is now that time of year. father in law didn't start with the hay fever till he was well past 50. I hope you feel better soon and the sneezes and stuff pass quickly

No, it's definitely got the hallmarks of a 48 hour cold as it really went through me yesterday! I suppose when you've got an immune system so strong that it can kill off your own beta cells, then a soppy cold virus stands no chance! :D
Hope you're feeling better. I have had times when i have lower than normal blood sugars just prior to being ill, didn't connect until the old man forecast my cold before i knew i was getting one!
Hope you get better soon northey 🙂
Hope you feel better soon.

I've been off work all week due to this bad cough and virus thing I've got.

I've been coughing so much all my ribs and mustles ache and I've almost lost my voice as well. :(

That sounds miserable Phil - I hope both you and Northey start feeling better soon...

Hope you're feeling better. I have had times when i have lower than normal blood sugars just prior to being ill, didn't connect until the old man forecast my cold before i knew i was getting one!

You may have a point there Jan - I had three hypos the day before the cold started!
I don't have awful levels when ill but higher than normal, I might wake up 7-10 and hang around 7-12ish. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thought the cold was getting better yesterday but feel worse today! :( My levels appear to be totally unaffected by it - yesterday I had 3.8, 5.5, 5.4, 6.3 and woke this morning to 4.5.
Get better soon Northerner.

Hope you're well enough for a pint soon...🙂
hope you are on the mend! - i've only had one cold since diagnosis and my BS levels had gone up about 2 - 3 days before my cold developed and i couldn't understand why they had raised but of course am learning a lot on here with all you knowledgeable people 🙂
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