U.K leading the way again - lab grown chicken

Lab-grown chicken?...whatever will our world famous scientists think of next?
Lab-grown chicken?...whatever will our world famous scientists think of next?
I'm new to this and don't yet know how this actually works. Normally meat is grown over a long period, supplied with oxygen and blood from the animal. How is this lab stuff fed?
We used to keep chickens - easiest little beasties to have around eating any spare bits and pieces from the kitchen, they hunted out and ate anything which scuttled or wriggled, got hilariously drunk on windfall apples and other fruit, and they supplied lots of eggs and Sunday dinners.
I just can't see the rationale behind growing the meat in a vat.
I also wonder what they are feeding it on.
What colour might it be?
Yeah, it’ll be Soylent Green next…. 🙄
Feed it to the chickens - they won't mind a bit.

Did I just think that?
I did you know - deary deary me.
Feed it to the chickens - they won't mind a bit.

Did I just think that?
I did you know - deary deary me.
Ha ha. I honestly wouldn't feed it to my dog, cat, hamster or rabbit or any other living creature or chicken, if I had one.
Yeah, it’ll be Soylent Green next…. 🙄
I do wonder how much people can be conditioned to accept things. Take this lab meat as an example. See how it plays out over the coming months and years. With everything they have at their disposal, school, media, news, advertising, YouTube, you name it. We'll be watching Corrie or Emmerdale and they'll be sat tucking into a lab meat Sunday roast, effectively normalising lab meat.
I do wonder how much people can be conditioned to accept things.
I'd imagine it to be pretty similar to how people can be conditioned to refuse things. Perhaps you could substantiate your earlier contention that this is the product of the "anti-human movement"...whatever that might be.
I'd imagine it to be pretty similar to how people can be conditioned to refuse things. Perhaps you could substantiate your earlier contention that this is the product of the "anti-human movement"...whatever that might be.
We already have real meat. Like we already have reality. No need for virtual reality or AI, no need for virtual meat.

This anti human movement is trying to take us away from our God given reality. There is nothing wrong with reality or real meat. There is nothing to improve on. It's taken millions of years to get us here without any meddling.

At this rate we'll be confined to a chair for most of our daily lives (eat, shop, work from home) eating lab grown meat and insects. This to me is anti-human.
"Italy is the world's first country safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food," said Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida.

"We are safeguarding our food, our system of nutrition, by maintaining the relationship between food, land and human labour that we have enjoyed for millennia," Mr Lollobrigida told Italian TV.

Florida has banned making and selling meat that is grown in a laboratory, a move several other states have considered amid worries about consumer safety and concerns that the technique could hurt the beef and poultry industries.

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Thanks but no thanks.

Can't read full article but could this be a solution to feed people in famine hit countries, may not be our idea of food but if it saves lives in short term?

Just putting idea out although don't know full ins & outs of it all.
Thanks but no thanks.

Can't read full article but could this be a solution to feed people in famine hit countries, may not be our idea of food but if it saves lives in short term?

Just putting idea out although don't know full ins & outs of it all.
Lab-grown meat is up to 25 times worse for the environment since it needs ‘pharmaceutical-grade’ production to make it fit for human consumption. In particular, there is a need to remove endotoxin from the cultured mix, a substance that in concentrations as low as one billionth of a gram per millilitrie can reduce human IVF pregnancy success rate by up to four fold.

The major problem with lab meat is that it uses growth organisms that have to be highly purified to help animal cells multiply. Compared with environmental savings on land, water and greenhouses gases, the whole bio-process is noted to be “orders of magnitude” higher than rearing the actual animal.
