Type3c ... probably

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I was told I had Type 2 a few weeks back and then after a CT scan they said it might be Type3c oh and chronic pancreatitis to boot.


Still waiting for definite confirmation but advice so far is leaning to 3c. I'm on Metformin 4 x a day and start Glyco-something or other next week too. Just been given my diabetes pointy stabby stick first reading on Wednesday before any food was 14.8 and just now on Saturday 2 hours after a couple of Weetabix came in at 17.0. Thought I'd been good and had no 3 extra sugars, ate healthy etc so that was a kick in the teeth. Not sure what to do to bring it down in addition to eating healthy and dodging sugar and carbs.

Anyway, I'm a young 53 bloke, married with two gorgeous daughters living in not so sunny Manchester with our 2 dogs, 2 cats and this is all very new and still a bit scary.

So, hello there
Welcome @TypeAlfa 🙂 If you are Type 3c (which sounds very possible), you might need insulin. I’m Type 1 so not sure of the early medications prescribed for Type 3c but we have a number of Type 3cs here, including @eggyg @soupdragon @Proud to be erratic

Here’s some basic info:


Thanks Inka, taken a look at that link and it mirrors what I've been told recently.

Doctor did say they're not going to insulin yet but want me on these Glycathingies first. Just all a bit in the dark still and a bit worried at 17.0 this morning
Hi @TypeAlpha. I'm betting the Glyclathinies are something called Gliclazide which comes from a class of drug used to stimulate insulin production.

I'm also guessing that you are going to be in for a load of trial and error with drugs whilst the pros work out what will suit you best. Sounds like you have got a good team around you which is a good thing. In the mean time blood glucose levels in the high teens and above might make you feel grotty and have you peeing for England. If that is the case then things will improve when your levels come down.

Do you have a glucose meter? If not, then ask for one. You can use that to keep track of your levels and maybe look at the effect of some food stuffs on levels to help matters whilst your drug regime is sorted.
Hi and welcome @TypeAlfa
I'm type 3c following pancreatitis - one severe episode of acute pancreatitis for me.

As I have very little pancreas left I've been on insulin from the start so don't have any experience of other medications, although tablets were mentioned as a possibility at some point.

It sounds as though you've picked up that it is all carbs and not just sugars that raise your blood glucose, which is good.
Are you taking digestive enzymes (eg Creon)? Damage to the pancreas often leads to problems digesting food so you'll find that 3cs will tend to be taking Creon.

It sounds as though this has come out of the blue for you so it must have been a shock. Good that they checked with the pancreatic scan and that the team looking after you seem to be on the ball.

Let us know if you have any questions, we're happy to help.
I was told I had Type 2 a few weeks back and then after a CT scan they said it might be Type3c oh and chronic pancreatitis to boot.


Still waiting for definite confirmation but advice so far is leaning to 3c. I'm on Metformin 4 x a day and start Glyco-something or other next week too. Just been given my diabetes pointy stabby stick first reading on Wednesday before any food was 14.8 and just now on Saturday 2 hours after a couple of Weetabix came in at 17.0. Thought I'd been good and had no 3 extra sugars, ate healthy etc so that was a kick in the teeth. Not sure what to do to bring it down in addition to eating healthy and dodging sugar and carbs.

Anyway, I'm a young 53 bloke, married with two gorgeous daughters living in not so sunny Manchester with our 2 dogs, 2 cats and this is all very new and still a bit scary.

So, hello there
Hi there, it's possible that I'm in the same boat as you! Diet/exercise has helped me to shed 18kg but did nothing for my hba1c. In fact it went up. Metformin did nothing either. Next step is gliclazide starting Wed. Fingers crossed!
Thanks guys, it was a shock and still is.

I'm not on any digestive meds but maybe this is something I will bring up. Metformin doesn't seem to be making much of a difference and again is something I will be talking about soon. Start the Glycazide tomorrow and although not looking forward to the potential side effects I'm hoping it will get more of a handle on my levels.

Thanks for the support so far and will keep you posted

Good luck for Wednesday Heather
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