Type 3c

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Perry grayson

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi and thanks for letting me join the group. So anybody else got 3c. I think I'm having problems controlling my body temperature? Any help would be great. Thanks
Hi @Perry grayson and welcome,

Type 3c is a tiny proportion of the numerous people with diabetes, but (slightly surprisingly) the causes or routes into T3c can be very different and thus influence the response or advice you might receive.

I got here following a total pancreatectomy while having a cancerous tumour removed that was surrounding my pancreas. So I abruptly became diabetic and categorised T3, because of damage to my pancreas (slight understatement) and 3c includes me as well as people who've got pancreatitis and suffered continuing (painful) degradation of their pancreas, possibly (not always) ending up with surgery and partial or total pancreatectomy. Most T3cs are insulin dependent, but not all.

I have no experience of body temp problems, other than sometimes I have awoken in the night in a hot sweat because I'm hypo or close to that.

But if you would like to share a little bit more about your diagnosis, such as how and when your diagnosis came about, along with what medications you are on and whether you have been provided with Libre - then other T3cs on this forum may be able to help on that specific question.

If you have other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. There is a wealth of experience within the membership and no question is stupid.
Welcome @Perry grayson
I'm another Type 3c.
My diabetes was caused by necrotising pancreatitis. Until the inflammation went down I had lots of trouble with temperature control. All OK now though.
You might ask the same question @Perry grayson on the pancreatitis forum (pancreatitis-forum.org.uk) where a friendly bunch of people will answer any questions about the condition. Obviously, there are a lot of 3c on that forum, but diabetes is a secondary issue on that forum. I'm on that forum, having pain free chronic pancreatitis. The folk on the forum are entirely non judgemental on how you got it, it's pointless. You cannot view the forum unless you first register,

Type 3c is now now commoner than T1, because there are so many routes to get CP; my cause is autoimmune for example. As i said, I've never had any pancreatic pain, my pancreas has just slowly becoming calcified. I've been T1 for 26 years, CP for 6. The common way to get CP in women is gallstones blocking the sphincter of Oddi. The gall bladder shares that sphincter with the pancreas. In men the commonest cause is alcohol leading to acute pancreatitis, which has a 1in 4 chance of killing you. You don't need to be an alcoholic to get this, but if you have a dink every day and exceed 30 units per week, then that can trigger it. Whether or not it is caused by alcohol, you shouldn't indulge in alcoholic drinks because it will do more damage to your pancreas. If it was caused by alcohol then a single drink can trigger another bout of acute pancreatitis. The odds shorten on whether you will survive it. You shouldn't smoke, that is another pancreas vandal. Vaping doesn't affect the pancreas, it's all the toxins in smoke that does the damage.

Depending on how damaged your pancreas is, but its main function is producing digestive enzynes, so if they are reduce you will eventually get malnutrition and run out of toilet paper. Fortunately, such enzymes can be taken in capsule form, Creon. The correct dose of Creon is the one that gives you normal bowel motions at a normal frequency. You will need more for fatty meals,

Sorry if this sounds gloomy, but it's all advice you'll get on the pancreatitis forum. Welcome to this forum, and get on the pancreatitis forum, because that is a better place to get advice on the condition.
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