Hi, my name is Rose, 27, and I was diagnosed on Wednesday with type 2 diabetes. It was picked up on a urine test that there was a lot of sugar in the sample, so they did some blood tests and my HbA1c level came back at 96mmol/mol.. I've been prescribed 30mg of gliclazide and a blood glucose testing kit and am awaiting further tests to come back. I have a follow up call scheduled next Wednesday to discuss how I've been getting on and for the results. Honestly I don't know how to adjust to all of this, it's taken me 3 days to be able to use the finger prick device by myself, as before I had to ask my partner to press the release button for me as I would sit there trying to work up the courage for 20+ minutes before getting upset/frustrated at it all. The doctor has signed me off of work for 2 weeks whilst I adjust and get used to everything so I'm just trying to learn as much as I can. I've also got PCOS so I know that the two can go hand in hand, but I never really thought it would happen to me. I've asked my family and it seems like it affected my maternal grandmothers family, but has not affected any further generations until me. Anyways if you have any advice on literally anything it would be greatly appreciated!