Type 2 worried re high blood sugar - advice before speaking to Doc

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all. Hoping I can get some advice before I call the doctor tomorrow in case this is something I can check/sort myself.

I've been getting some unusually high (for me) readings on my glucose monitor the last week or so (I normally average between 6.5 - 9.8, this week I've been 9.8 - 15.1). I'm not convinced it's right but also not convinced it's wrong but the numbers do seem to be on the high side for me. I've been really inconsistent lately but this has happened over the last few weeks (eg everything was fine at the start of the month)

One of the reasons I thought it's maybe giving me the wrong reading is I'm getting the same numbers repeatedly when I'm checking, which was making me wonder if there's some issue with the meter. Is there any way to check the readings are correct without going to the Docs? I have a little vial of test solution that came with the kit and I've used that to check the reading I'm getting. The reading of that is within the range it should be but it's quite out of date (2022). I've checked the kit itself is clean and has nothing sticking to it. Following all the usual washing of hands before pricking finger. The test strips are in date and kept in their sealed container.

Although I feel fine I'm really worried about the readings. I don't find my diabetic nurse particularly approachable (in fact, she puts me off going for check ups, but I do go), and she only works certain days so I don't know if I'll get an appointment this week. I feel like some docs/nurses are supportive of using the monitors (this one was given to me by the previous practice nurse) so I have a feeling they might just say not to use it. However I've been struggling with managing my food recently and I do find checking my bloods can help me stay on track.

You may be getting some sort of illness or infection as they can increase blood glucose. Are you doing strategic testing rather than random readings as testing at some specific times in relation to when you get up, when you eat may reveal what the problem is.
It could be that you are more sensitive to the carbs you are eating for some reason or your your carb intake has drifted up and you can no longer tolerate the amount of carb in your meals.
If you give a bit more information about when some of those readings were taken and what sort of meals you are having people may spot what may be going on.
Welcome to the forum by the way
Thanks. I take a reading as soon as I get up (after washing hands etc but before I consume anything). If it's over an hour before eating breakfast I'll check again beforehand and then I check two hours after I've finished a meal. And I check before eating a meal too.
Thanks. I take a reading as soon as I get up (after washing hands etc but before I consume anything). If it's over an hour before eating breakfast I'll check again beforehand and then I check two hours after I've finished a meal.
Good strategy.
Are you seeing a bigger increase from your breakfast than usual because people can be more sensitive to carbs in the morning so opt or a low carb breakfast like full fat Greek yoghurt and berries with seed or nuts or a mini portion of a low sugar cereal or eggs in any form.
It just seems quite random, to be honest. I've mainly been having eggs with some sort of carb - one day I had 2 boiled eggs with one slice of sourdough and a tea (around 21g) and it shot up quite a bit. Another day I had a cheese & veg omelette with a potato scone and milky coffee (around 35g) and it went up a little but not as much.

I've just taken it just now. I haven't eaten since 5pm when I had a small yogurt and it's 11.3. I'm planning to have an omelette for dinner with no carby sides so (as long as I can stay awake!) I'll check it 2 hours after I've eaten to see how I go.
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