Type 2 Woes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping well.
I'm afraid I'm on here to moan... feeling VERY sorry for myself . When I last posted, I had been put on Humulin M3 and Jardiance, which worked great to bring down my HBA1C ( 'almost' normal!) but also made me pile on the weight - am now 23 stone 😱 which I am horrified by - and gave me permanent thrush. I have felt so down about it this week, really really down, that I have stopped taking both and have pretty much stopped eating* (I have a history of eating disorders).
I know this can't last, and I'm trying to get my act together... I just wanted to come on here to see of there is anyone out there who has had a similar experience, or has some advice, or can sympathise! It's really hard to talk about this with my husband and family as they don't get it, even though I know they want to help.
The weight gain is bothering me the most - I can barely look at myself in the mirror and I've pretty much convinced myself that I am just going to keep gaining weight uncontrollably until they need to remove a wall of my house to get me out :rofl:. There seems to be no answer to this as I've been on a diet all my life and am still 23 stone, so I laugh in the face of the old 'go on a diet' advice!

*I had a better day yesterday and had a bit of food so don't panic
I know it's a hackneyed expression but really it's a case of one day at a time I guess.

And don't forget we're here when you want/need to vent.
So sorry to read that you are struggling to find the right approach for you. I agree with @ColinUK that you have to ignore the big picture and just focus on small achievable goals, one day at a time. Success feels good so make those successes as easy to achieve as possible to enable you to feel good and stay motivated. Any improvement is a step in the right direction.

Following a low carb way of eating has helped me enormously with my disordered eating (comfort eating and sugar addiction) and of course improved my diabetes management. What I love about it is that I don't get those insatiable cravings anymore. I rarely feel hungry and I enjoy my food. It was difficult to give up the bread and potatoes and pasta at first, bread particularly because it is just so quick and easy and acts as a carrier for so many foods, but once you get over the first few weeks and learn what to buy and how to cook it (and, more importantly, what not to buy!!) it becomes a whole lot easier.
I used to feel quite guilty about eating a curry or a chilli with no rice.... like I was eating just the good stuff.... but it doesn't bother me now. I have a big salad and a good dollop of coleslaw with a chilli and that is far better for me and is more tasty than those beige foods that spike my BG levels. The weight usually just comes off if you follow a low carb way of eating without actively thinking about it and just focusing on BG management through food.

The other option is something like the Newcastle Diet or Fast 800 which are usually based around meal replacement shakes and a very low 800calories per day limit. As a YoYo dieter that approach is unlikely to work long term for me as I slowly go back to my old way of eating after the diet period ends and end up where I started, but it works for many people.

Learning how to eat low carb and avoiding those high carb foods has made a big difference to my relationship with food and I now feel so much more in control and I am slimmer and fitter than I have been for years, so lots of positives from it.
If you’re on fixed doses of the Humulin M3, changing that might help you, as well as dietary changes. It must be miserable having thrush all the time. That can’t be helping. Is that caused by the Jardiance?

It’s not your fault. One problem can create others, so don’t blame yourself. X
I had trouble with my weight most of my adult life - it started when I was just away from home, and with a waist measurement of 24 inches but my GP kept on about my weight - I was a roadie and could deadlift a comatose guitarist off the pavement and into the van without breaking him, so of course I was heavy.
The only thing which ever put things right was eating low carb.
These days I often have steak, mushrooms and a stirfry or green salad for breakfast.
If you are not taking the insulin or other medication then I suggest eating low carb until you can consult your HCPs about it. Type 2s often make more insulin than they need, but simply cannot use it.
In the past I have lost a couple of pounds a day eating low carb so if you can maintain your blood glucose in normal numbers and not get into problematic situations it might be a resolution - but you ought to eat as it was shown that a low carb diet is sustainable and sustaining, and it can result in more weightloss than fasting - but it must be safe for you.
Eating low carb seems to give me peace of mind, or at least the ability to cope which sometimes is the better option.
If you want to message me feel free - I can perhaps suggest what to eat day to day.
If you’re on fixed doses of the Humulin M3, changing that might help you, as well as dietary changes. It must be miserable having thrush all the time. That can’t be helping. Is that caused by the Jardiance?

It’s not your fault. One problem can create others, so don’t blame yourself. X
The Jardiance is the Thrush culprit. My consultant said it wouldn't give me thrush if my BG was out of the teens, but of course - it did. I take a large does of Humulin M3 - 120 units a day - and am still never 'in range'. I am extremely insulin resistant. This is why I've given it a break. Gaining 7lb in a week (last week) was a final straw.
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