Type 2 with low pulse rate

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been type 2 for over 2 years.take 1 metformin a day.just started checking BSG. Again and found it’s gone up from generally around 6.3 in the morning to around 7.9.I also check my blood pressure approx 130/79 but pulse rate is usually around the mid 40’s ! Yesterday and today 42! I am 76 and regard myself as generally fit.Have scheduled blood tests on Thursday.
Wow @robrace , I thought mine was low in the mid-50s! Probably an indicator of how fit you are - but best run it past the doctor if you've not already done so. Regards. Nick
My heart rate is normally 60.
I haven't noticed any correlation to BG, apart from possibly an adrenalin surge and a possible liver dump, which will increase both.
Disturbed sleep used to do that to me.
My pulse rate was up towards 80, and 90 at diagnosis, but mostly around 80. Once things settled down and I was off meds it dropped to low 60's which is where it usually was before I became ill.

However, since increasing my exercise from zilch to up to 3 hours walking a day it has dropped to a consistent mid to low 50's and on occasion into the 40's. It has been there for about 3 months now.

There are no other effects so I do not worry.
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