Type 2 - to pill or not to pill?

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Ron Brownlow

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi folks
I am a type 1 but my Dad is Type 2 and is trying to control his sugars by diet and exercise but having a few issues still and his last HBA1c was 7.6 so it's not going great!

He really doesn't want to start taking the pills but is also suffering from some highs. The main problem is his morning readings which are higher than bedtime readings so, BG will be Ok through the day then he will have dinner and bed say 2-3 hours later with a reading between 5-7 but then wake up at a 9+ sometimes. He has a good diet without many fast sugars, good veg and fruit and has a good level of exercise.

After a meet with a dietician she didn't have any changes for him diet-wise so seems ok but still can't avoid those morning highs.

So, my question is, does anyone know why this is happening and more importantly, how to stop it?:confused:
The highs in the morning are dawn phenonomina. Don't completely understand the way it works, but the liver releases glucose into the system because it has been a while since the last meal was eaten.

As the diet is good, how much physical activity does your dad do? Being more active (take a walk, do a spot of gardening, join a dance class) might help. Have a chat to the DSN or the doctor who may be able to help too.
Dawn phenonomina - OK, that explains it, although not sure what that is, does it have a reason or is all in the name and no one really knows?

Does anyone have any idea how to stop the dawn phenonomina?

As far as exercise goes, he walks, cycles, babmintons and is a decorator so is active pretty much all day doing something...
oops, our replies just overlapped - I'll go that page now, thanks
Hi folks
I am a type 1 but my Dad is Type 2 and is trying to control his sugars by diet and exercise but having a few issues still and his last HBA1c was 7.6 so it's not going great!

He really doesn't want to start taking the pills but is also suffering from some highs. The main problem is his morning readings which are higher than bedtime readings so, BG will be Ok through the day then he will have dinner and bed say 2-3 hours later with a reading between 5-7 but then wake up at a 9+ sometimes. He has a good diet without many fast sugars, good veg and fruit and has a good level of exercise.

After a meet with a dietician she didn't have any changes for him diet-wise so seems ok but still can't avoid those morning highs.

So, my question is, does anyone know why this is happening and more importantly, how to stop it?:confused:

Hi Ron,
print out Maggie Davey's Open Letter from our links section and look at Wallycorkers thread on his diet in the food section. These should give your dad some help. And yes if he isn't getting A1cs around 6.5 he needs medication.
Can't find the links section or the letter - can you point me in the right direction?


Also, what would anyone's time frame be from the point you had finished a meal to the point you next test (minimum)? As in when should your blood have returned to 'normal' after the point you finished the food? I am going to set him up a spread sheet so we can trace a pattern so I'll get him to test more to see what's going on as if you look at all his other readings they look OK and would've expected to see a lower HBA1c...
Someone suggested to me that having your main meal in the middle of the day when you're more active* and a lighter meal at night might help. I haven't tried it but I'm toying with the idea as it does make a sort of sense at least from a diet perspective.

* And presumably burning more fuel.
Someone suggested to me that having your main meal in the middle of the day when you're more active* and a lighter meal at night might help. I haven't tried it but I'm toying with the idea as it does make a sort of sense at least from a diet perspective.

* And presumably burning more fuel.

We were talking about giving that ago last night! I think he's gonna leave everything as it is at the mo' until we've established a 'pattern' then start introducing some changes.

Can't find the links section or the letter - can you point me in the right direction?


Also, what would anyone's time frame be from the point you had finished a meal to the point you next test (minimum)? As in when should your blood have returned to 'normal' after the point you finished the food? I am going to set him up a spread sheet so we can trace a pattern so I'll get him to test more to see what's going on as if you look at all his other readings they look OK and would've expected to see a lower HBA1c...

hi Ron firstly thank you for raising this again i am stuggling with the same prob as your dad and going to bring it up with my DSN in 2 weeks when i see her... as what ever i seem to do (my pre bed levels generally are be 5.) i wake on 7.2 ocasionally 6.9 but more often 7.2 and i find it so frustrating !!

and northe thanks for the link...very useful and confirmed what i had been trying to do
Peter i like the fact its linked to another forum as this is predominately a support forum that points people in the appropriate direction to get further 'current' thoughts on the different treatments that we all experience...all that would take up alot of space if it was here permanently...thats why we have the links section

Ron the links section is if you go to the message boards list and scroll down and you'll find it
He has a good diet without many fast sugars, good veg and fruit and has a good level of exercise.
Sorry but why are fast sugars good for any diabetic? Sounds like old fashioned thinking on the part of your dads dietitian. Cut out (or down) on the fast sugars (whatever they are) and don't eat too much fruit.
If you want to avoid pills for as long as possible your dad should be looking at cutting down on carbs.
Read the Bernstein book (see the books forum) take reading before meals and 1hour and 2 hour after meals.
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