Type 2 on Insulin and Metformin tablets

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well the last 18 months or so, since changing tablet meds and moving onto insulin has been - well - different. My latest HbA1cs have been 8.7 and 8.9

I no longer feel I am part of the 'normal' type 2, who are on tablet only
and certainly not type 1, as my insulin requirements are different.

Before insulin I had been on tablet meds for 8 years or so, a lot of that on the recent controversial drug AVANDIA.

There is now talk of putting me on Byetta, insulin and Metformin - Yikes!!!!
As those of you know me know I have megga weight to lose. Despite trying hard to lose weight, I feel with insulin (large dosages) I am just marking time with my weight with no real reduction. At my weight I should be losing heaps. The other bug bear I have is as Type 2, we are not allowed to attend carb counting courses, but have to do it on our own. Sure I did the Xpert course, but that is designed for tablet T2s not insulin T2s

Anyway, I have been working with my DSN at the hospital over the last few months, and with her help I have reduced my insulin intake, my reading are more stable, although not great, usually 7s to 9s - But then again can to use to the high 20s for no apparent reason.

So I saw my consultant this morning and we spoke at length, and although we reviewed by readings over the last 3 months, he wants to wants another 3 months to review the situation - with a possibility of changing my ratio, currently 1:10, changing insulin, adding in Byetta - he also wants to to chart not only my readings throughout the day - but the time and amount of insulin I take.

So, we will just need to wait and see how things go

So, if any of you lovely people have any advice, or thoughts, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you
Hi Hazel hun all i can say is if you are offered byetta bite his hand off, it has done great things for me since i started on it i have had 2 hbAs since going on it both under 7 which i never got nowhere near before that.It does not work for everyone but when it does work it does great things, although the person on it still has to put in hard work as well relying to much on the byetta can make you become complacent.If you feel the insulin is not doing much for you weight wise then byetta would be a good step for you IMO.

I hope you can between you all come up with a regime that is good for you your diabetes and your weight xx Good luck
Goodness Hazel, you'll be able to tick off the whole set if you go on the Byetta! Presumably, the insulin doses would be decreased if you do, and from reading others' experiences here this should help you with the weight loss. Hopefully, you won't have too much trouble with the nausea. It's good to hear that your doctor is willing to try different, and possibly unusual treatments in order to help you manage the diabetes. If you can lose weight as well, then that will have a knock-on effect and hopefully mean that medications can be reduced further.

Have you tried the BDEC online carb-counting course? It's exactly what is taught to people in the classroom, but for those who find that not possible:


It may take a while, but we will be here to support you all the way 🙂
Yep Hazel I agree with Steffie - bite his hand off to get the old lizard spit (Byetta). In 3 months my Hba1c has gone from 10.5 to 6, I have lost 15 kg, when I test the BG's are almost always within NICE guidelines and I feel so much better. I've had to make massive changes with my diet but with the Byetta that was pretty easy as I lost my appetite. It is so nice not to feel hungry all the time. I still have another 10 -15 kg to lose but feel sure I will do it. I can now roll over in bed without a problem, get out of a chair without a struggle and ditto for getting up off the floor, I can do up an aeroplane seat belt and get the tray table down. I have gone down 2 dress sizes. Oh yes another good thing the numbness in my feet has gone. Initially it got worse but then a couple of weeks ago I realised it had gone. I also feel so much chirpier and realise now that when I was so uncontrolled I was depressed.
There is one nasty side effect I had but I believe Steffie didn't and that is nausea, however the worst of it lasted 2 weeks and now it is just now and again and ginger tea helps a lot.
So go for it girl and good luck.😉
Hi hazel,

How far have you ever explored what is possible by by making dietary changes - in particular quite simply reducing dramatically your carbohydrate intake? That approach really has improved the lives of so many diabetics on these diabetes forums.

Best wishes - John
I agree with wallycorker as I was a carb junkie and unfortunately just couldn't reduce them. I wish someone would have sat me down and really explained it when I was first diagnosed but they didn't and then things just spiralled out of control and the drugs, especially Actos made me so hungry and the weight piled on, diabetes got worse and carb cravings were awful. Any way my carb consumption is now very much lower but sadly I was only able to do it with the help of the Byetta. I don't know whether it's the drug or the dietry changes that have made the difference. A bit of both I think but I know I just couldn't have done it without the extra help from the drug.
Thanks everyone

I am looking forward to putting a lot of the consultant, DSN and your input into practise

I want to get back to the early days of my diagnosis, to levels of HbA1c of around 5.5

Over the last 5 years my GP changed my meds umpteen times, and it has never really settled down - so now that the hospital are in charge, so hopefully things will get back to normal

I really DO appreciate your input
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