Type 2 - insulin recently started

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
is it possible to return to medication such as metmorhine once insulin has started?
It's possible, I believe, through lifestyle changes mainly, but you need to talk to your healthcare professionals about it really. I'd say it depends on how much insulin your pancreas is still producing and how insulin resistant you are. Reducing insulin resistance may help.
We have had members who have been able to reduce, and in some cases eliminate, medication through a combination of weight loss and menu-adjustment. But it’s not something that is possible for everyone.

In the DIRECT trial there were a proportion of ‘non responders’ whose metabolisms did not bounce back even after significant weight loss (clearing visceral fat around the organs in the abdomen).

Lots of members here have focussed on reducing carbohydrate intake to lower levels, and trying to find a daily amount of total carbohydrate (not just ‘of which sugars’) that their body can happily process without elevating glucose levels. This is often less than 130g of carbs per day, but for some it is much lower (eg 60-90g per day).

Still others find benefit in balancing medication and menu as a longer-term more flexible approach.

It’s a very individual thing!
I was put straight onto insulin (hbac 143) when I was diagnosed with D2 sept 2022. My BMI was 23, I exercised a lot and had a healthy diet, not overloaded with carbs/sugar, so remission is not really an option with diet. I went low carb (60g) no bread, pasta, rice, sugar, low carb alternatives only and soon brought my hbac1 down. I don’t like to take too much insulin and I recently asked to add metformin and this has been a game changer. I have more than halved my fairly low basal and bolus insulin requirements. My last hbac1 was 40. I’m actually able to eat more carbs now, thanks to the metformin and my body uses the insulin more efficiently. I LOVE metformin. I’m kind of resigned to the fact that remission is not for me. I am actually very healthy apart from the diabetes. My dad was also a slim healthy diabetic 2.
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