type 2 inherited

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am newly diagnosed with type 2 which my mum had my doctor told me I inherited the gene from her. My son who is 29 is going for his glucose test on Friday although his doctor told him it can not be inherited can someone set me in the right direction here please?

Many thanks
If someone in your family has diabetes of any kind, you are more likely to get it than if no one has it. This does not mean you will get it. My father and I are both type 2 as is my maternal uncle. As yet it has not been diagnosed in my brother.

I'm not sure how the inheritance thing works as there has to be a first person for everything.
hi I am type 2 and was told by my doc that as my mother was type 2 in later life it is inherited as well as other factors, weight,cholesterol, etc. but I have a brother and a sister and they have not got it, so who knows.:confused:
Hi there, both my parents are Type2 diagnosed within the last 3 years and i also have an uncle who has diabetes on my mothers side. I was diagnosed last week but know that there were other risk factors for me....overweight, PCOS etc. Would i have considered asking the doctor if i had diabetes if parents weren't diabetic, possibly not.

p.s my brother is taking all the right steps to avoid being diagnosed!

Good luck x
My husband (who was diagnosed type 2 when he was in his middle 30's) has no other factors, ie he has never been overweight, reasonably fit and healthy and ate reasonalby healthy but his father is also type 2 so in his case they think it was genetic.

I am very overweight but also have 1 parent and both grandmothers that are/were T2 so I am inclined to think there is some genetic link somewhere...
Hi lanzlady - Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I'm a Type 2 also who was diagnosed more than nine years ago and I'm doing just fine.

Before people start giving you advice perhaps it would be a good idea to tell us what stage you are at - i.e. blood glucose levels, medications etc.

It's not unusual for people to be confused initally, however, you will receive a lot of good advice from these diabetes forums. You've come to the right place.

Best wishes - John
I am newly diagnosed with type 2 which my mum had my doctor told me I inherited the gene from her. My son who is 29 is going for his glucose test on Friday although his doctor told him it can not be inherited can someone set me in the right direction here please?

Many thanks

You can inherit the genes that predispose towards T2 diabetes but you cannot inherit the condition itself.
I'm sure you're right Peter. I'm the only diabetic in my generation and as yet nobody in my parents generation has it (although my mum's sister thinks she might have pre-diabetes). But my dad's dad and my mum's mum both have diabetes. Rene got diagnosed in her late 70s but Jim has had diabetes for at least 35 years. What's more is that Jim's father Harry had diabetes, as did Rene's mother in law (or was it grandmother? Or maybe both? I can't remember...). But there's a fairly high incidence of diabetes in the population in general, so it could be co-incidence.
I also heard a theory that type two is more prevelent in low-birthweight babies. I've no idea about Jim and Rene, but i deffinatly qualified...

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