Type 2 for 8 yrs but new to insulin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there,first time on here and needed some advice.Had type 2 for 8 yrs now and after several illness and infection episodes,was put on insulin 2 weeks ago as my bs was very high.Desperately trying to get my bs down to a better level but it really is a struggle and I dont know what Im doing wrong.For instance,today,all i had to eat was a bowl of soup at lunch time cos I wanted to get my sugars down.That was around midday.Tested my blood again about 4pm and it was 14!!!Can anyone explain this?Please help,as far as Im concerned my diet is so much better than it was but I cant get my sugars down to a better level.Why am I so resistant to insulin?Spoke to my Dr about this and he also put me on 2 metformin a day,which has made no difference!I could scream!
Hi Pearl, I'm sorry to hear your plight, 'fraid I can't help you, but I'm pretty certain someone will be along very shortly who can.

Good luck with reducing your BS levels.

Hi pearl, welcome to the forum!🙂 I'm moving this to the general messageboard as I think it may get more responses there.

One of the aspects of Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. Type 1s can suffer from it but rarely to the same degree. What insulin are you on? If you are only two weeks into using it, then it is more than possible that your doses will need adjustment as your healthcare team determine what is appropriate for you. Keep a record of your meals, doses and levels and this will help for future adjustments. Have you been offered any advice about how to adjust your doses to your food/carbohydrate intake? It is early days yet for you on insulin, so please don't lose hope - I'm sure those levels will start coming down to a better level before too long! 🙂
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Hi there,first time on here and needed some advice.Had type 2 for 8 yrs now and after several illness and infection episodes,was put on insulin 2 weeks ago as my bs was very high.Desperately trying to get my bs down to a better level but it really is a struggle and I dont know what Im doing wrong.For instance,today,all i had to eat was a bowl of soup at lunch time cos I wanted to get my sugars down.That was around midday.Tested my blood again about 4pm and it was 14!!!Can anyone explain this?Please help,as far as Im concerned my diet is so much better than it was but I cant get my sugars down to a better level.Why am I so resistant to insulin?Spoke to my Dr about this and he also put me on 2 metformin a day,which has made no difference!I could scream!

Dear Pearl,

There is one thing for sure: if you have high blood sugar then you have put too much carbohydrate into your body! What was the soup you ate? The good news is that you are now on insulin ,so it is possible to learn how to "cover" the carbohydrates you eat. This is done by carbohydrate counting and is taught on a course that goes by the name DAFNE (dose adjustment for normal eating). Why not see if you can persuade your diabetes team to get you on one?

Warmest Regards Dodger
hi and welcome to the site pearl, hope you have good luck with your BS levels and you manage to reduce them
Hi there,first time on here and needed some advice.Had type 2 for 8 yrs now and after several illness and infection episodes,was put on insulin 2 weeks ago as my bs was very high.Desperately trying to get my bs down to a better level but it really is a struggle and I dont know what Im doing wrong.For instance,today,all i had to eat was a bowl of soup at lunch time cos I wanted to get my sugars down.That was around midday.Tested my blood again about 4pm and it was 14!!!Can anyone explain this?Please help,as far as Im concerned my diet is so much better than it was but I cant get my sugars down to a better level.Why am I so resistant to insulin?Spoke to my Dr about this and he also put me on 2 metformin a day,which has made no difference!I could scream!

hello Pearl, welcome to the forum

I know it can be frustrating, but northener has given great advice. Sometimes these thngs take time. Especially if you are ill or have an infection. Please speak to your team, gp or nurse who should be able to advise you with your doses etc. 🙂
Dear Pearl,

There is one thing for sure: if you have high blood sugar then you have put too much carbohydrate into your body!
Not true. There are other reasons, such as the liver dumping glucose after a hypo.
What was the soup you ate? The good news is that you are now on insulin ,so it is possible to learn how to "cover" the carbohydrates you eat. This is done by carbohydrate counting and is taught on a course that goes by the name DAFNE (dose adjustment for normal eating). Why not see if you can persuade your diabetes team to get you on one?
DAFNE is aimed at type 1s as their insulin requirements are usually much different to type 2s. Type 2s generally start off on long acting insulins only, either in a single dose, or 1 monring and one at night. This regime does not allow you to treat it with DAFNE techniques.

As has beed said, Tracey, what insulin do you use and what doses are you taking?

I started off as type 2, but am now type 1 due to my pancreas failing totally. I still have insulin resistance so need to take a much higher dose than the majority of type 1s.

It may be that you need to increase your dose, but do so by talking to your diabetese team.
Not true. There are other reasons, such as the liver dumping glucose after a hypo.

DAFNE is aimed at type 1s as their insulin requirements are usually much different to type 2s. Type 2s generally start off on long acting insulins only, either in a single dose, or 1 monring and one at night. This regime does not allow you to treat it with DAFNE techniques.

As has beed said, Tracey, what insulin do you use and what doses are you taking?

I started off as type 2, but am now type 1 due to my pancreas failing totally. I still have insulin resistance so need to take a much higher dose than the majority of type 1s.

It may be that you need to increase your dose, but do so by talking to your diabetese team.

Dear Alan,

I learn something new every day - I believed that type 2s are still type 2s even though their pancreas has failed. Also, is it possible for a "liver dump" to raise blood sugar to 14mmol/L? BTW DUK says that some type 2s are using carbohydrate counting!

Regards Dodger
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Hi Pearl,
Try not to worry. Getting your insulin dose right will take time (and a fortnight isn't that long in the great scheme of things).

Another question is what time you actually ate your lunch ie. how long was it between eating lunch and your 4pm test as this could also affect your levels.
Dear Alan,

I learn something new every day - I believed that type 2s are still type 2s even though their pancreas has failed.
Generally, type 2s will retain at least some pancreatic function. However, other things such as pancreatitus can cause type 1, even in someone who has pre-existing type 2. Then you have the 'in-betweens' such as LADA and MODY. I always say that there are as many different types of diabetes as there are peole with diabetes. It's just that some people are more easy to pigeonhole than others.
Also, is it possible for a "liver dump" to raise blood sugar to 14mmol/L?
*I* think it's possible. Personal opinion though as I have no scientific evidence, just personal experience.
BTW DUK says that some type 2s are using carbohydrate counting!
I'm not surprised. You use whatever tools are available. If that works for someone then that's good.
Hi there,firstly would like to say a BIG thank you to all of you for your speedy replies and advice.I will try and answer the questions that you have asked me.I take 3 x 18 unit doses of Novarapid a day,and one dose of Glargine at 26 units before bed.(Think thats right!)Im also on metformin twice a day too.I will tell you excatly what I ate today with times too;No breakfast cos had a bad night and got up late;12pm had a bowl of Heinz vegetable soup (no bread) bs was 11.Then 4pm my bs was 14,had 2 slices of nimble bread/low fat spread/2 slices wafter thin ham/sliced red onion,also had a banana/cup of tea with semi skimmed milk.Tested my blood again at 7pm and was 17!!!!Anyone would think Id been eating chocolate all day!Anymore help would be very much appreciated.
Dear Alan,

I learn something new every day - I believed that type 2s are still type 2s even though their pancreas has failed. Also, is it possible for a "liver dump" to raise blood sugar to 14mmol/L? BTW DUK says that some type 2s are using carbohydrate counting!

Regards Dodger

Hi dodger,

A while back I would go to bed with an in range number, such as 6 and then wake up to 16.something! I came on here for some advice and I have never heard about the glucose dump before, but thought i's reduce my lantus by 2 units and see how it went. I started waking up within range :D So I can only assume that I was going low in the night and my liver was dumping glucose.
Hi there,firstly would like to say a BIG thank you to all of you for your speedy replies and advice.
No problem. We are only too glad to help.

I am on a similar regime, but taking higher doses. One thing you may try which has helped me is splitting your long-acting insulin into two doses, morning and night.

Another thing that helps me a great deal is exercise. It's difficult to fit into my daily schedule though and a desk job does not help. Is is possible that you can fit in a daily walk into your schedule?
My dietician has got me carb counting, basically I have my set levels of novorapid which are 24u, 20u and 26u then depending on how much carbs i am having I increase my insulin so sometimes I will give 28-30u, 22-24u and 30-32u... but it is something you would need to talk about with a dietician and your diabetic nurse, I have only recently been doing this. My long acting insulin which is levemir is split, 66u in the morning and 48u at night.

The dr has put you on metformin because this drug makes your insulin receptors more sensitive so that it recognises the insulin that you produce and/or the insulin that you inject.. you may find you need a higher dose of the metformin.. I take 1500mg of metformin slow release (can't take anymore than this or it makes me ill)..
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