Type 2 & DNA???

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, I'm 31 and diagnosed as being type 2 in May last year.

Just thought with all the bad vibes towards type 2 and being caused by obesity and poor diet and lifestyle, just wondering if I was kind of unique.
On my fathers side of the family going back at lest 3/4 generations (that I know about), you can play a game. It's called spot the non-diabetci. I believe that the cause of my diabetes lies somewhere in my DNA. Does anyone else think the same?
I think family history plasy some part in it, if someone in your family is diabetic there is a good chance you will get it too, bit like inheriting the shape of your nose or the colour of your eyes, but also think someone has to be first.

My father as far as I am aware is the first person to be diabetic in his family as is my uncle on my mums side of the family. This has enhanced the likely hood that it would develop in my brother and me. It developed in me, but not as far as I know in my brother. I am keeping an eye on my son.

I try to keep an open mind...
Two of the top reports on the Diabetes UK website for Type 2 diabetes at the moment cover where your fat is distributed (pattern ? genetic) and low birth weight too. Never thought I'd wish I was the traditional British pear shape rather than "front loaded" (even when I am in the healthy BMI ratio) and also that I'd have my birth mother to thank for my low birth weight but, taken together, it seems I have increased risk without the compounding effects of lifestyle.

Identical twin studies - even where the twins are separated at birth - indicate genetic link for Type 2 too. High prevalence in some ethnic groupings too with very high risk for people of South Asian heritage

Just seems some of us have to work far harder than others at managing our risks and lifestyle.
Genome research indicated that there is a link which COULD make someone MORE LIKELY to develop the problem.
Great care must be used to differentiate between the 'more likely' idea from the 'definitely will'
I think it is possible to inherit the gene that can lead to Diabetes.

We believe my mother was diabetic but was never tested (she never wanted to go to the doctor).

My uncle (my mother's brother) definately has Type 1 diabetes since he was in his teens (now in his 80's).

My father also developed Type 2 in his early 70's.

After feeling gnerally unwell, with no specific symptoms, for several months I was diagnosed as Type 2 (at 47) so warned my brother (late 30's) who got tested and lo and behold and he was also diagnosed as Type 2.

Genetic - I think so!
I think there is definitely a genetic pre disposition to type 2. My mother had it, as did her mother and her grandmother. So being overweight and over 40 (and carrying it all around the middle) left me with pretty much no option. If only my GP had explained to me a year ago what might happen - instead of just saying 'cut down on sugary things'. Even though I did say that I didn't really do 'sugary things' at that point there was no advice at all!
Through genetics and other factors, some people are more pre disposed to certain condtions than others.

Another example is breast cancer. My mother is about the 7th person in my family to have been diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer. I remain optimistic as each genertation was 5-10 years older than the last generation to be diagnosed.

There are many things we can do to help ourselves and to reduce the risks, and to stay healthier for longer, but there has to be a first person some place.
Rach if you don't mind me asking do you fall into the normal weight type 2 catergory?
Just with the family history that you have it might be strong enough history for MODY to be a possibility. Is it all type 2 or are there some type 1's in your family too?

Type 2 definatly has a genetic link but it's a number of genes involved rather than a single gene. My theory is that if you have the genes that make you likely to get diabetes you will get it, being overweight and lacking in exercise will bring it on sooner, so maybe you get it at 50 instead of 80.
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