Type 2 diagnosis 2+ years ago... Finally taking action

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Afternoon all.

New to the forum.

Was diagnosed with Type 2 during the pandemic. Starting with Metformin. Didn't take religiously and pretty much buried my head in the sand.

Got pretty much a constant HbA1c at 145 for 12+ months.

Finally getting to grips and my last HbA1c reading was 96. This was pretty much just taking the metformin.

I'm now on 2000mg of Metformin and on 7mg of Rybelsus. Lost 2 stone in last 10 weeks and confident my HbA1c reading will greatly improve over the coming months.

Hope to learn in the forum. Happy Monday!
Hi and welcome.

So good to read that you are ready to take the reins and start managing your diabetes now as that is a very risky HbA1c level to ignore for so long. Bringing it down slowly and steadily will be important to prevent putting too much strain on your body, particularly eyes and lower limbs which will have adapted to the high levels over time and any drastic changes might result in retinal bleeds and/or neuropathy. So taking the medication regularly is a good first step and then steadily adjusting your diet although I guess you must have done a good bit of that already to lose 2 stone.... Big WELL DONE on that achievement.

How are you finding the Rybelsus? Are you suffering any side effects with either of them? Hopefully not or just modest ones. Is there anything partiular that you feel the forum and it's members can help you with? I think most people have questions about diet but sometimes just coming and making a formal declaration that you intend to get a grip of things give you the accountability to stick at it and we will certainly be happy to cheer you along and celebrate any little targets or achievements that you set yourself along the way.

If you have any specific questions please don't hesitate to ask but otherwise, I found I gained a lot of knowledge and understanding just from reading other people's posts, so grab a cuppa and make yourself at home.
Welcome to the forum @darrenkaye78

Huge congrats on the weight loss! And amazing work on the HbA1c reduction. Don't feel disillusioned that you are still a little above your ultimate target. 145 to 96 is a great start, and it's kinder on the fine blood vessels and nerve endings to take things in stages 🙂

Onward and downward!
Sorry for the lack of response, life kinda gets in the way. Regarding the Rybelsus, almost no issues with the bottom end although I do feel sick on a morning. Physucally at times, although I definitely feel its helping, particularly the appetite suppression.

Just had bloods redone and HbA1c came back at 43. Couple of months to next review so I guess keep going as I am, improve the health and feel I can at least honestly say the diabetes is now controlled.
Wow that is a terrific result, did you do anything diet wise as well as the medication?
Yes, also focusing on cutting down the carbs. Eating the right stuff. Joined a gym but not been yet, the first visit will be the biggest step. I easily get addicted to things, previously gambling, work and eating. Not had a bet for over 6 months and working the issues out with the family. So making big changes in my life and feeling better for it

Was surprised I wasn't contacted by doctor or my diabetic nurse, just saw the results on NHS app and doctor had advised satisfactory results and no further action
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