Type 2 diagnosed confusion

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi diagnosed as type 2 today has come as abit of a shock straight onto 4x metformin a day fasting bloods were 59 and 60. I’m trying to find out information for help but all I keep finding is suggestions for losing weight but I don’t need to I’m active and not over weight what else could I do. Any tips would be helpful I currently eat one meal a day I know i’m going to struggle finding time for three meals a day.
It is usual to start metformin on a low dose then increase over a few weeks so as to avoid stomach issues which some people get. The other thing with metformin is that it is recommended to take with a substantial meal as again that helps will any stomach problems.
Did you explain that you only eat one meal a day. Your HbA1C is not desperately high though is in the diabetic zone 48mmol/mol being the level that would give you the diagnosis.
Many people have managed to reduce their HbA1C from that level with dietary changes only.
One of the things with being active but essentially fasting is the liver releases glucose into the blood stream to give your energy to function so can give elevated blood glucose levels .
What do you have for your meal and are you snacking the rest of the time as if they are high carb snacks that could explain your higher than normal HbA1C.
You are right that a lot of the dietary information is focused on losing weight as that is often the profile of Type 2 diabetes. Making sure you have meals with low carbohydrate but plenty of protein and healthy fats to keep weight stable.
It is usual to start metformin on a low dose then increase over a few weeks so as to avoid stomach issues which some people get. The other thing with metformin is that it is recommended to take with a substantial meal as again that helps will any stomach problems.
Did you explain that you only eat one meal a day. Your HbA1C is not desperately high though is in the diabetic zone 48mmol/mol being the level that would give you the diagnosis.
Many people have managed to reduce their HbA1C from that level with dietary changes only.
One of the things with being active but essentially fasting is the liver releases glucose into the blood stream to give your energy to function so can give elevated blood glucose levels .
What do you have for your meal and are you snacking the rest of the time as if they are high carb snacks that could explain your higher than normal HbA1C.
You are right that a lot of the dietary information is focused on losing weight as that is often the profile of Type 2 diabetes. Making sure you have meals with low carbohydrate but plenty of protein and healthy fats to keep weight stable.
Hi thank you for replying ☺️ At the moment they have advised 2 tablets in the morning and 2 on the night might bring the night ones to after a meal and I didn’t think my HbA1C was that high either so I was confused about having medication. My meals are all normal good meals I could substitute my pasta for whole grain but other than that nothing bad I don’t snack either just have my dinner after work. Thank you I’ll be adding more meat to my plate
@Caiya - the foods we can't cope with are those high in carbohydrate - whole grain pasta is not going to be much of an improvement.
I do hope that you do not react badly to Metformin - I had dreadful side effects and was utterly miserable on one tablet a day plus one of Atorvastatin.
As you have been given little information from your doctor you might find looking at the Learning Zone to get a better understanding of the condition. Yes your HbA1C is not as high as many people but it is high enough to take seriously and make an effort to get it down to avoid the risk of all the unpleasant complications of diabetes.
Is there any reason why you only have one meal a day.
You may also find this link useful as a approach to getting your blood glucose level down.
It is the carbohydrates that you need to be careful of and foods that might be considered healthy for non diabetics are not so if Type 2 diabetic so normal pasta is not so good. There are alternatives based on edamame bean or black beans which are lower carb.
Hi thank you for replying ☺️ At the moment they have advised 2 tablets in the morning and 2 on the night might bring the night ones to after a meal and I didn’t think my HbA1C was that high either so I was confused about having medication. My meals are all normal good meals I could substitute my pasta for whole grain but other than that nothing bad I don’t snack either just have my dinner after work. Thank you I’ll be adding more meat to my plate
I found I needed to substitute pasta for low carb white cabbage strips or use low carb 'slim pasta' available from amazon or the health food shop holland and barratt. Carbs in excess, brown or white, dont work well for type 2s. Do you know your HbA1c? it is normal to be started on 500mg of metformin. Best to ask for the modified release version to avoid tummy issues.
Am I right in thinking you are 24, slim and active? Is there any reason the doctors have jumped to the type 2 diagnosis? Ok not saying it’s not possible but it’s pretty unusual. Do your doctors plan to carry out any other testing for antibodies for type 1 do you know?
@Caiya - the foods we can't cope with are those high in carbohydrate - whole grain pasta is not going to be much of an improvement.
I do hope that you do not react badly to Metformin - I had dreadful side effects and was utterly miserable on one tablet a day plus one of Atorvastatin.
Hi might just out the pasta all together give it a go and oh no I haven’t been told about the side effects either I hope they arnt too bad
As you have been given little information from your doctor you might find looking at the Learning Zone to get a better understanding of the condition. Yes your HbA1C is not as high as many people but it is high enough to take seriously and make an effort to get it down to avoid the risk of all the unpleasant complications of diabetes.
Is there any reason why you only have one meal a day.
You may also find this link useful as a approach to getting your blood glucose level down.
It is the carbohydrates that you need to be careful of and foods that might be considered healthy for non diabetics are not so if Type 2 diabetic so normal pasta is not so good. There are alternatives based on edamame bean or black beans which are lower carb.
Thank you for the link ☺️ I’m trying to work out a new meal plan something realistic the only reason for one meal a day is just based on time really
Am I right in thinking you are 24, slim and active? Is there any reason the doctors have jumped to the type 2 diagnosis? Ok not saying it’s not possible but it’s pretty unusual. Do your doctors plan to carry out any other testing for antibodies for type 1 do you know?
Hi yes they have done the antibody test and still come back to the conclusion it’s type 2 I’m not sure if I should push back to find out more about the result ?
Some GPs and DNs do sometimes seem to be a bit trigger-happy with the prescription pad. That seems to be a lot of Metformin to be on for your HbA1c. I would have expected you to have been given a chance to bring it down through dietary changes, with a review in 3 months, before putting you on medication.

In addition to the edamame bean or black bean pastas that @Leadinglights mentions, chickpea pasta is another option.
Hi i also thought it would of been diet based first and thank you for the help
Thank you for the link ☺️ I’m trying to work out a new meal plan something realistic the only reason for one meal a day is just based on time really
When it comes to impacting on your health then finding the time to eat properly is important. Some quick low carb meals would be keeping cooked meats, cheese, coleslaw, prepared bags of salad, boiled eggs in the fridge which you could throw on a plate. Omelettes, stir fry veg with some precooked chicken. Full fat yogurt with some berries.
Well I was diagnosed type 2 a year ago but first 6 months my HbA1c had gone up from 48 to 58 not on any meds then tried again trying to eat healthy another blood test showed and it’s gone up another 10 to 68 mmol , so today the nurse put me on Metformin one tablet a day slow release , read up on the medication sounds like I’m might be in for a rough ride for a few weeks with the side effects fingers crossed I will tolerate it .1gram is this quite low ?
Hi and welcome
I've read through the posts and two things spring to mind.
Where are you based - in the UK or elsewhere? To be put straight on the maximum dose of Metformin with your levels is highly unusual. I would be very tempted to go back and ask if you can try dietary changes first.
What is your job/lifestyle that you do not have time to eat all day? I was thinking maybe shift work / busy parent. Leadinglights has already made suggestions for snacks/quick meals throughout the day which you could prepare whilst you cook your evening meal. Best wishes

Hi yes they have done the antibody test and still come back to the conclusion it’s type 2 I’m not sure if I should push back to find out more about the result ?
Well I have a complicated diagnosis. I was diagnosed as a type 2 and the antibody results I were told were negative. Slim and active like you but I was 43. As I started to lose more weight a consultant looked over my results again and one of the antibodies (antigad 65) was positive but as the hospital put borderline it was ignored, so that’s worth checking, normal antigad is under 5 mine was 55. This lead to a type 1 diagnosis which has again been rebuffed due to the length of time I’ve been able to control through diet. I’m now under another consultant who has just redone the antibody testing again and is now sending me for specialist testing for MODY diabetes which is quite rare but is usually picked up in 20’s or during pregnancy ( which is actually when my blood sugar issues started) there is also the possibility still that I am an unusual phenotype type 2. I think under your circumstances it’s worth a little more investigation. Your hba1c is raised but have you been spot tested with finger prick using a meter or have you done this yourself ? If so what were the results. Any chance you have iron deficiency? Thr reason I ask this is that this can effect your hba1c but you should see normal reading on a glucose meter.
Welcome to the forum @Caiya

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Good to hear that your surgery were ready to check for GAD antibodies.

Do you know if they also checked your cPeptide levels at the same time? This is a substance that is produced alongside your home-grown insulin, and can help measure how much insulin you are producing, and whether your production is higher than average (as would be common in insulin resistance with T2) or lower than average (which might suggest some loss of beta cell mass).

There is a slow-onset form of T1 sometimes called LADA which can be quite tricky to identify, as it can respond to T2 meds initially, and the loss of beta cells tends to be more gradual.

Hopefully you can get some clarity around your classification (whichever type you end up being!) and an appropriate course of treatment.
Took my first Metformin tablet yesterday at lunchtime by 6.30 I started with the rumble tummy and so tired , by 9 pm I was in bed with shocking tummy cramps which went on till 2 am this morning , took my pill today at same time very worried the same will happen tonight watch this space
The best time to take Metformin is in the middle of your largest meal, so you have food in your tummy before and after. For most people the side effects wear off after a couple of weeks.
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