Hi geordieman, welcome to the forum
🙂 There is a lot to take in, but you will gradually build up the knowledge and experience to be able to manage your diabetes well, with a bit of effort! I'd recommend that you start recording everything you eat, writing down the amount of carbohydrate in your meals. All carbohydrate is converted to glucose in the blood, and the rate extent to which this happens is what is most imporant in controlling your blood sugar levels.
Are you on any medication and did your doctor or nurse give you a meter so your could test your blood sugar levels? This is really the only way that you can discover how well, or otherwise, you can tolerate differeent foods.
If you can, try and get hold of a copy of
Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year by Gretchen Becker - highly recommended by many of our readers. Also, take a look at the links in our
'Useful Links' thread for more information and good reading material.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have - nothing is considered 'silly', and we'll do our best to help you out