Type 2 Diabetes and unplanned pregnancy

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. I’ve just found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant and unplanned. I’m absolutely terrified that I’m going to lose this baby and there is lots of scaremongering. I’m finger pricking 4 times a day and off to the diabetes antenatal clinic on Tuesday. Does anyone have any advice. Currently on no medication as I can’t tolerate Metformin me keeping bloods between 5.0 & 7.8 diet controlled.
I’ve had a miscarriage and a chemical pregnancy in the last 2 years and haven’t got this far I’m just terrified the baby isn’t going to survive as I’ve read things that people have said there baby died a few days or weeks after birth!!
Thanks for reading.
Welcome @Laurajane90* 🙂 Don’t let the horror stories get to you. Remember that most people with diabetes have perfectly healthy babies. You don’t hear about them because they’re too busy to write!

Importantly, are you taking the special high dose folic acid? If not, that’s a priority. You’ll need a prescription. Speak to your GP and stress the urgency. If you’re controlling your bloods well, that’s fantastic 🙂
It’s just all so new! I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy and I’m not sure of the differences either.
I’ve been taking 5mg folic acid since July as I was planning to go to a preconception clinic but here I am already pregnant. I’m hoping the diabetes clinic on Tuesday will reassure me.
Thanks for your response
That’s excellent about the folic acid 🙂 You’re already doing one of the most important things by taking that. My advice is to take one day at a time. Focus on doing your diabetes/pregnancy jobs - take your folic acid, eat well, rest, keep your blood sugar good, and make an effort to relax. I know you probably think that’s easier said than done, but it really helps. Any time you’re feeling worried or your thoughts start running away with you, stop and breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of 4, hold that breath for a few seconds, then breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of 4. Doing that two or three times helps calm you.

I hope your clinic visit goes well. I found mine excellent. You’re ok - you’re doing all the right things. Good luck 🙂
Oh sweetheart. I can feel the anxiety coming off the page. Please give yourself a break. You’re doing great with your blood sugars. Those numbers are perfectly normal for even a non diabetic so there is absolutely no suggestion that you need to put even further pressure on yourself with regards to your diabetes.

I’ve also suffered child loss and gestational diabetes and I know exactly how this makes you feel when it comes to subsequent pregnancies. You are doing absolutely everything you can to protect your baby and nothing that’s happened to you in the past is your fault.

I’m sending you comforting hugs and we would love you to stick around and let us know how things are going xx
Oh sweetheart. I can feel the anxiety coming off the page. Please give yourself a break. You’re doing great with your blood sugars. Those numbers are perfectly normal for even a non diabetic so there is absolutely no suggestion that you need to put even further pressure on yourself with regards to your diabetes.

I’ve also suffered child loss and gestational diabetes and I know exactly how this makes you feel when it comes to subsequent pregnancies. You are doing absolutely everything you can to protect your baby and nothing that’s happened to you in the past is your fault.

I’m sending you comforting hugs and we would love you to stick around and let us know how things are going xx
What a lovely message I’m trying so hard to just focus on being healthy and calm but my mind just runs away with me.

I’m so sorry for your loss too. It’s such a sad time for anyone. Gestational diabetes I had from 26 weeks with my daughter and then diagnosed as type 2, 3 years later. I tried so hard to keep my weight down and stay active but it still got me. I think I just panic when o read of all the things that can go wrong but then I guess all pregnancies have risks.

I will definitely be sticking around this has helped me to calm down a little already. I’m only 5 weeks so still incredibly early but praying all is ok this time xx
I especially like your reference to the 'diabetes ante-natal clinic' you're about to attend. This infers to me that those HCPs should be more expert in dealing with ladies such as yourself at the very least.

Please - do keep us updated as and when you can about how you are doing. How old's your daughter?
I especially like your reference to the 'diabetes ante-natal clinic' you're about to attend. This infers to me that those HCPs should be more expert in dealing with ladies such as yourself at the very least.

Please - do keep us updated as and when you can about how you are doing. How old's your daughter?
Yes I’m in good hands I think!
I will certainly keep you updated. My daughter is 6
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