Type 2 and pump?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi folks, this is more a curiosity than anything else, but I wondered if the NHS provides pumps for Type 2 diabetics. The reason I am curious is I have a friend who lives in France who is T2 and has recently been put on a pump and I also have a friend in the US who is also T2 and was going to be put on a pump but it was decided last minute to manage with standard injections instead.

Until my French friend mentioned his pump, I didn't even think this was possible, but now I realise it is, I just wondered if the NHS 'allow' T2s to be pumped. I suspect not given their general attitude towards T2s, but sometimes things change within the NHS but they don't broadcast it because they don't want to encourage people to cost them even more money.

All the best,
Jim 🙂
I doubt Insulin pumps are prescribed here for Type 2, as not all Type 1 or children get access to them, you could ask!
I don’t think there is a pathway for it, so you would need a consultant on your side, and a willing CCG that would accept an IFR or similar.

It’s not impossible, but I think it’s very very rare.
It is interesting how many type 2s in the US have pumps I think instead of a blanket yes or no, these decisions should be made on an individual basis. I would think that those on a larger amount of insulin might struggle with leaks and site problems. I remember one insulin resistant man asking on here about wanting a pump, but he used I think around 200-250 units a day, which would mean changing the thing almost everyday and it constantly alarming that it was running low on insulin.
It is interesting how many type 2s in the US have pumps I think instead of a blanket yes or no, these decisions should be made on an individual basis. I would think that those on a larger amount of insulin might struggle with leaks and site problems. I remember one insulin resistant man asking on here about wanting a pump, but he used I think around 200-250 units a day, which would mean changing the thing almost everyday and it constantly alarming that it was running low on insulin.
That is very interesting point. I recall the occasional person posting about high Insulin use but no one regular.
On another forum, there is a T2 member, in UK who pumps. Please don't ask for a link to their profile, as first and foremost I'd have to be able to recall their name! @JimBear - if you are a member of other forums, it could be worthwhile asking on those too.

However, I think if that's one person between how many insulin dependent T2s, it's safe to say it's not a well worn path.

From an observational point of view, I think there is a way to go before there could be widespread consideration for IDT2s utilising pumps. The first steps would be to reduce the blunt, bludgeoning use of mixed insulins, then appropriate carb counting support, and then there might be a pathway.

With that pathway, there would be a requirement for educating support staff, or expanding specialist services to accommodate the increased population.
On another forum, there is a T2 member, in UK who pumps. Please don't ask for a link to their profile, as first and foremost I'd have to be able to recall their name! @JimBear - if you are a member of other forums, it could be worthwhile asking on those too.

However, I think if that's one person between how many insulin dependent T2s, it's safe to say it's not a well worn path.

From an observational point of view, I think there is a way to go before there could be widespread consideration for IDT2s utilising pumps. The first steps would be to reduce the blunt, bludgeoning use of mixed insulins, then appropriate carb counting support, and then there might be a pathway.

With that pathway, there would be a requirement for educating support staff, or expanding specialist services to accommodate the increased population.
He is already on a Basal /Blous regime, he changed a while ago but the community team he has been refeered to were not very supportive when he asked for help to change.
Thanks for your input folks! 🙂 I wasn't specifically asking to see if I would be allowed a pump - I was more curious as to whether they are (or can be) prescribed in the UK for T2s. But given I wasn't even allowed a blood glucose monitor when I was first on oral meds, I am not the least surprised these won't be available in the UK for T2s in my lifetime. (I bought my own meter and it was invaluable to see which foods/drinks were the worst for me).
There are a few type 2 UK pumpers. I think they were or are on a lot of insulin. I do recall one person using U500 in an insulin pump.

Have you looked into why you suddenly need so much more insulin?
Thyroid check........... underactive thyroid will cause your weight to go up as will your insulin needs.
Lack of exercise
Different foods and or eating more?
Underlying infection?
Injection sites, have you checked you are absorbing all your insulin? Could you break down your injections to a smaller amount so it doesn't pool in one spot?
Well worth exploring all of this options if you haven't already done so.
Thanks for your input folks! 🙂 I wasn't specifically asking to see if I would be allowed a pump - I was more curious as to whether they are (or can be) prescribed in the UK for T2s. But given I wasn't even allowed a blood glucose monitor when I was first on oral meds, I am not the least surprised these won't be available in the UK for T2s in my lifetime. (I bought my own meter and it was invaluable to see which foods/drinks were the worst for me).
That is fine. When I was first diagnosed 20 years ago I was prescribed one. I was on Gliclazide for a few years so kept getting strips but only 50 a month. I have been off them a few years now , and my surgery have with drawn them a few months ago.
I have always self funded some strips. For the last year I have been using a Libre.
He is already on a Basal /Blous regime, he changed a while ago but the community team he has been refeered to were not very supportive when he asked for help to change.

Yes, I was aware of that. My comment was that for T2s to realistically have a pathway to pump therapy there were several steps. So many T2s are just started and left on either mixed insulins or fixed doses, which in my observation and also my view, must be a complete nightmare, in terms of living any sort of variable life, with decent control and outcomes.

Of course, not being an insulin user, my observations could be flawed.
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