Type 2 and Insulin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Came of metformin yesterday and started on insulin. Been advised to start on 10 units twice per day,My sugar levels are really bad-25 on getting up this morning. Cannot contact surgery until Monday and that will be difficult. Using insulin which is both fast and slow release. Can I expect results to gradually improve or any other advice would be appreciated
you would have been started on low doses while they work out how much you actually need (for safety) as it varies greatly from person to person.

Can you type the name of the insulin(s) inc any numbers.
Have you been given any advice re adjusting doses or do you have a follow up appointment?
Are you fingerpricking or did they give you libre?
It's humulin M3.There is a code YL012FSAA01
I am fingerprinting when I rise and again late afternoon
I have a telephone review due on Tuesday
Couple of links here & here to have a read of.

It's going to take a few days for things to stabilise. Tuesday isn't too long to wait for a review, just make sure you're keeping a record of glucose levels & time taken.

Just one thing, were you advised to "mix" the insulin prior to taking it? That's important.
Thanks for your reassurance. I was not advised to mix the insulin. Discovered the need to do that this morning before using.Probably should have read the leaflet first-typical bloke
To be fair I was told that we would have to adjust the doses to get them right but a bit nervous of "taking the law into my own hands "
As @gll said, you start low to avoid risk of hypos. By definition, that means your glucose will be on the high side. You'll then start to titrate the dose upwards until you get within range. You should be advised by how much & how often during the review on Tuesday.
Adjusting my insulin doses ..in accordance with the 'titration plan' for taking mixed insulin twice a day ..my SMBG readings were in the ✻healthy✻ range by the end of Week 2 ..but of course, YMMV
Been gradually increasing the dose but numbers not coming down
You’ll continue increasing it gradually until they do
Been gradually increasing the dose but numbers not coming down
Well if you started on Tuesday after the review that's only three days!

From a similar starting level to you it took a fortnight of increasing basal/bolus dose by 10% every three days to get the first reading in range. And another fortnight before most readings were in range. Patience grasshopper... 😉
Early days but also remember heat and dehydration this week can be a factor.
Hi. Can I ask what your weight is? If you are slim and possibly losing weight then that is a red flag for Late onset T1 which will probably need the Basal/Bolus regime with two separate insulins and around five injections per day. If you have excess weight then do ensure your carb intake is under control and possibly less than 150gm/day. The mixed insulin should be showing an effect with just a few days but if you have insulin resistance thru excess weight then the insulin may not be that effective anyway.
Been gradually increasing the dose but numbers not coming down

Sorry to hear you aren’t seeing much progress so far @geordie

Keep taking the advice of your nurse/GP and adjusting doses as they suggest. Better to improve your high levels gradually, as a sudden lurch from the 25s you were getting to being in-range can wreak havoc with the fine blood vessels in the eyes and with nerve endings.

It must be frustrating for you, but stick at it, and hopefully your numbers will grandually coast downwards into a better range without crashing into hypos.
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