Type 2 and IBS

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Thank you for taking your time to read my first post.

I was diagnosed type 2 last November but had no support from my gp surgery and no medication. I have at last seen a diabetic nurse today and suggested I join diabetes uk for advice. I have IBS so foods are a pain and I don't know where to turn for advice or information as the nurse wasn't much help. If anyone has any pointers that would be great.

Welcome @Saz84 🙂 If you can give us an idea of what food you can and cannot eat, that will help you get more tailored suggestions. Sorry you’ve not had much help from your surgery. Sadly, that doesn’t seem that unusual for Type 2s.
Thank you for taking your time to read my first post.

I was diagnosed type 2 last November but had no support from my gp surgery and no medication. I have at last seen a diabetic nurse today and suggested I join diabetes uk for advice. I have IBS so foods are a pain and I don't know where to turn for advice or information as the nurse wasn't much help. If anyone has any pointers that would be great.

Hello saz84

We’re both in the same boat as I’m also type 2 and I also have ibs ,
I’m on a low carb diet but I’m also on metformin 500mg 1 tablet a night . This has helped me tremendously Especially with my ibs , I don’t have the symptoms like it’s at bay . I don’t have flares unless I’m under a lot of stress or my anixety has kicked in but I’m managing that by keeping busy . I’m sorry your going through all this as it isn’t much fun like at all .
For IBS introduce good quality probiotic & Inullin, Inulin can be added to drinks & is mainly tasteless, I add it to morning porridge.
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