Type 2 and Covid-19 vaccine

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Following my first dose of the AZ vaccine I developed all the classic symptoms of Type 2 diabetes within 2 weeks of the jab. There is a history of T2 in my family, but I have a generally good diet and this was a cliff edge change. My HBAIC was 99 and when I went to the GP my BS was 23. With moderate exercise and low sugar and carb diet I have got my BS down to a 6 (pre meal) to 10 (post meal) range in about 4 weeks. I have just had Zn Transporter 8 antibody results back which are raised at 14 u/mL (should be <10). This has raised a concern on my ketones, but these are normal, as are my insulin levels
I am convinced that the AZ vaccine has caused some kind of shock to the pancreas but I can find no research evidence to support this. I was throwing this out to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I have raised it as a vaccine side effects yellow card but not sure if others would make the connection.
If your hba1c was 99 then I think this is completely unrelated to a vaccine two weeks before. The hba1c is a 3 month average of your blood sugars. You wouldnt get a reading of 99 after two weeks of diabetes.
If your hba1c was 99 then I think this is completely unrelated to a vaccine two weeks before. The hba1c is a 3 month average of your blood sugars. You wouldnt get a reading of 99 after two weeks of diabetes.
My HBA1C wasn't taken until at least 6 weeks after my vaccine as it took a while before all my symptoms presented and I was diagnosed. Given that 99 is an average it is quite feasible that I was below the danger level before the vaccine and seen a rapid rise subsequently.
Hi and welcome.

I am Type 1 and was diagnosed 2.5 years ago but I definitely experienced BG upheaval as a result of the AZ vaccine and a steady increase in my basal insulin needs to almost double what they were pre vaccine. This took place as a gradual increase over a period of 2-3 months after the first vaccine, starting about 7-10 days after the vaccine. My thoughts were that the vaccine triggered my immune system to kill off a few more of my remaining beta cells, so effectively bringing an end to my honeymoon period (time spell after diagnosis when your pancreas continues to produce some insulin before it peters out)... which I had assumed had already ended as my levels were reasonable stable for almost a year prior to that.

Obviously, if you are Type 2 then that explanation doesn't hold water for you, as Type 2 is not autoimmune but there is a strong link between Covid and diabetes and the infection is probably more likely to trigger the condition than the vaccine, so if you hadn't had the vaccine and you got the virus, it likely still would have happened and I think we all have to assume that we will be exposed to and get the virus at some point in a similar way to it being likely that people will get colds and or flu at some point in their lifetime.

Quite a few people here on the forum reported temporary BG upheaval after the vaccine and I wonder if that happened to you and caused your body to hit a tipping point where your pancreas could no longer cope, but your change in diet since then has now taken the strain off your beta cells and allowed them to revive.... this is something we see in Type1s who start on insulin after diagnosis and shortly afterwards their insulin needs drop as their remaining beta cells fire up again.
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