No, you're not over reacting! You should have been sat down and talked to about what all this means, what the drugs are supposed to achieve and what you can do. The main things are diet, exercise and remembering to take the pills. You should ask if you can have a Glucose monitor and strips (prescribed). You probably won't get them, but you should still ask. Testing is one of the most important tools in our armory for dealing with this disease but type two's are often refused strips unless they're on drugs that might cause hypoglycaemia, which unfortunately is not Metformin. In the near future you should also have tests for retinopathy (eyes) and neuropathy (feet and fingers - mostly). As you're on Metformin you should also ask for a prescription exemption certificate to which you are entitled. There's a form you need to fill in to get this, ask the practice nurse when you see her.
Some of us find a low carb diet helps lower our blood sugars. Although it doesn't work for everyone, reducing your intake of bread, rice, pasta and potatoes can make a big difference. Certain high sugar fruits like bananas and grapes should be avoided too
, but berries are fine I find. Try swapping white bread, pasta and rice for smaller portions of the wholemeal/whole grain versions and bulk out your meals with veg.
I think that about covers it.
I was initially diagnosed as Type 2 and the practice I was with then were brilliant. The doctor sat me down and told me the unvarnished truth, made me an appointment with their practice nurse for the following day and filled out the prescription exemption form for me. The nurse was just as good, she gave me a monitor and strips and showed me what to do with them. My current practice isn't so good, they won't let me have strips and the doctor's a divvy, but the nurses are great.
If your practice is no good is there another nearby you could shift across to?