Type 1's - complete carb estimates and forgetting to inject for part of the meal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Going back 3 or 4 years if I was eating out I used to look at the photos on carbs and cals and take a very uneducated guess at how many carbs there were then I would inject and just hope for the best. Sometimes for example if I was offered a small piece of cake at work I would just have it then just leave it until my next meal (lunch) to correct.

When I got dka I was very stupidly skipping a lot of injections ie not only bolus injections but also basal too and thinking to myself "I'll do it later" but later never happened.

My last diabetic nurse got me into the routine of testing from meal to meal and obviously unless I didn't feel right either treating for a hypo or correcting for a high along with the meal injection.

Tomorrow is Christmas Dinner day at work. We'll be eating at 1:30. I'm thinking of taking a complete carb guess at the carby dinner foods and inject then have a small piece of pudding of which I think somebody is bringing a homemade trifle in then correct at teatime. What does anybody think?
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I think you work in a primary school? If it is the school Christmas Dinner then my guess is it will probably be chicken breast, gravy, roast potatoes, carrots and peas if so then I'd work out how many smallish potatoes you will probably want (roughly 15-20g each), then add maybe 5g for the carrots, another 5g for the peas. I'd ignore the gravy and meat. I'd bolus this as you'd normally do for lunch.

The trifle will be the trickier bit as carbs and fat - I would give myself 30-40g for that and would bolus for that about half way through my main course but that's because of my weird lag times for insulin absorption atm and this method works for me but I'm not recommending it! School lunches are usually pretty brisk affairs so you might be okay injecting it all in one go - trust your instinct
I think you work in a primary school? If it is the school Christmas Dinner then my guess is it will probably be chicken breast, gravy, roast potatoes, carrots and peas if so then I'd work out how many smallish potatoes you will probably want (roughly 15-20g each), then add maybe 5g for the carrots, another 5g for the peas. I'd ignore the gravy and meat. I'd bolus this as you'd normally do for lunch.

The trifle will be the trickier bit as carbs and fat - I would give myself 30-40g for that and would bolus for that about half way through my main course but that's because of my weird lag times for insulin absorption atm and this method works for me but I'm not recommending it! School lunches are usually pretty brisk affairs so you might be okay injecting it all in one go - trust your instinct
You're right about my job. If I don't eat it all up I won't get any pudding (which will suit me fine because of the carbs lol) and I won't get any play time lol.

Seriously though thank you for your help/advice.
No dawdling chatting with your friends and please don't put your potatoes/cutlery/boss' party hat in the water jug ..... Enjoy your well deserved celebration :D🙂
I'm guessing here that you work in a school too?
No talking just eating and yes I might just put my potatoes in the water jug 😱
Gosh how can you tell :confused: aren't all staff Christmas parties like that?! 20 odd years for my sins, mainly in secondary but a stint in a middle school too so I know all about the joys of the school dinner hall
I wouldn’t bolus for carrots and peas, have always been told that you don’t need to count most veg because they have very few carbs in and what they do have is absorbed so slowly that it will have no effect on your blood sugar. Works for us.
I agree though that some sort of estimate for the pudding is better than just correcting later, I'd wait until it's in front of you before injecting though, just in case it doesn’t materialise or is vastly different from what you were imagining.
Enjoy your meal Gill

Hope the guesswork goes well, and your BGs behave in the afternoon 🙂
Enjoy your meal Gill

Hope the guesswork goes well, and your BGs behave in the afternoon 🙂
Maybe even went? Seen as it was posted yesterday lol (sorry couldn't resist!) xx
I hope it was better than the miserable offering at Steyning Grammar School pictured on BBC news, bread roll, slice turkey, 1 pig in blanket, mince pie. All looked very dry and unappetising.
I hope it was better than the miserable offering at Steyning Grammar School pictured on BBC news, bread roll, slice turkey, 1 pig in blanket, mince pie. All looked very dry and unappetising.
Wow! That's disgusting! Ours was definitely much better than that. Turkey, pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, stuffing balls, carrots, peas & gravy then a large Christmas decorated cup cake for the children. Grown ups was more of a choice of desserts. We have a new school cook and he proved today how good he is. Everybody was saying how good it was.
Enjoy your meal Gill

Hope the guesswork goes well, and your BGs behave in the afternoon 🙂
I really enjoyed it thank you.

I had turkey, roast potatoes, stuffing ball which even though it was delicious I think was homemade, carrots, peas and meat gravy then I had a very tiny amount of homemade trifle. My guesswork went completely to pot and BGs this afternoon were terrible. I estimated for the potatoes and the stuffing ball but not for the vegetables or turkey and I didn't estimate for the teeny amount of homemade trifle.
Ah not to worry! Those kind of meals are either a triumph or disaster for me LOL.

Did you not allow anything for the trifle!? Eek! That would have scuppered me for sure :D
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